Year 3: 04

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[As the HOGWARTS EXPRESS BLEATS ITS HORN, we CRANE OVER the milling horde of students. Parents hurry their children onboard, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... and Mr. Weasley dashes through the crowd and up to an open train window.]

Mrs Weasley: Ron! [She hands Scabbers through the open window to him.] Don't loose it again.

"Bloody fool."


"Traitor. "

Mutterings were heard from a certain part of the Gryffindor table.

[The aisle teems with students. Harry, Aurora, Ron and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment.]

Harry: I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... [troubled by the memory]... lost control.

"That's qas the awsomest thing you've done, son." James grinned.

"Jamesie, awesomest is not a word." Julianne said.

"It is to me." James huffed.

Ron: Brilliant!

Hermione: Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry's lucky he wasn't expelled.

Harry: Think I was lucky enough not be arrested, actually.

"After seeing what really happened, I take it back." Hermione confessed.

Ron: I still think it was brilliant.

Aurora: I agree. She's a horrible woman.

Vernon glared at Aurora.

"What's with the glare Dursley?" Aurora growled.

"Unbelievable, we thought of you for a bride to our son." Vernon hissed.

"I'm sorry what?" Aurora scoffed. "Look at your son, Dursley. He's terrified, even to look at me. I'm certain he's about to have a heart attack right now. No offence Dudders. Just pointing out the facts."

Dudley nodded and looked away, completely red from holding his breath.

[SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A copy of the The Monster Book of Monsters SCUTTLES CRAB-LIKE down the aisle, pursued by NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM.]

"Oh Merlin! That bloody book." Neville grimenced.

Neville: Hi, Aurora. Harry. Ron. Hermione.

Harry/Hermione/Ron: Hi, Neville.

Aurora: Neville! How are you? [Jumping forward, tackling Neville in a hug]

"I love your enthusiasm." Astoria chuckled.

Neville: I'm great, Ro. Gran got me a new cauldron. She did scold me, though.

"Ah.. dear old Augusta." Said Sirius.

Aurora: That's great! Did you find a compartment?

Neville: Yeah. Dean and Seamus are there. You wanna say hi to them?

Aurora: Yeah! [To thr trio] I'll find you guys later. [Skips away with Neville.]

Neville: Have you noticed, I've lost weight.

"Ah... now you mention it.." Said Julianne.

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