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After the brandy-vomit incident, things around the apartment seemed less tense. It wasn't that bad before, just uncomfortable. Like the two roommates tip-toed around each other, being too nice, or not speaking to each other at all for days. Wylan kept Jesper on schedule, and Jesper made sure to pull his own weight at times, cleaning up his own messes and cooking meals occasionally. Wylan could be seen studying with a concentrated face, and Jesper was actually submitting homework somewhat on time.

Things stayed in the groove for a couple of weeks. Time passed quickly as the two got deeper into their school year. Jesper clocked more hours, got his bills in on time, and even managed to stay general sober throughout most of it. Nina and Inej came over a couple of times a week, and even Matthias – who totally lied about not liking the apartment – joined them. Kaz and Jesper kept in touch and even met up twice in two weeks, despite the fact that Jesper didn't know much more about Wylan. There didn't seem to be any hidden layers to the boy, just a kid trying to get through college and paying bills on time. Speaking of which...

"What do you do for money?" Jesper asked. Wylan was popping a frozen pizza in the oven, Jesper sitting on the table.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you don't go to work. How do you pay the bills so well? How did you afford this place?"

Wylan had really hoped Jesper wouldn't ask this question, but it was inevitable. Wylan didn't have a job, this flat was nicer than most, and he never seemed to struggle with his utility bills either.

"Oh, well," Wylan tried to think of a way to make this sound as non-privileged as possible. "I'm applying for some jobs, but so far no luck. My dad...this is actually his apartment. I just live here. I'm trying to get less...dependent on him, because everything comes with a price."

Jesper's face skewed and Wylan instantly knew he phrased everything wrong.

"What do you mean he owns this flat? He bought it, or he pays the bills?"

Shoot. "He...erm...owns this apartment complex."

Jesper's eyebrows shot up. "He owns it? Is he made of money?"

You really shouldn't have said that.

Wylan just shrugged.

"Is he famous?"

You shouldn't have asked that, either. "I mean, he's...rich, I guess. Yeah, really rich. He'd probably show up on Google if you tried." He tried to sound as uninterested as possible. Little did he know Jesper was pulling out his phone then and there to look up his father.

"Jesus Christ on a stick, Wylan," Jesper breathed after a few minutes of scrolling. "Your dad's got a finger in every pie, doesn't he? I've never seen a man who owns this much business."

Wylan could feel his chest tightening. He didn't need this right now. He had gotten his mind off of his father for a few days now and didn't appreciate Jesper bringing up all up again.

"How come you go to this crummy college? You could afford Harvard if you wanted to."

"I'm on scholarship, that's why." Imagine that, actually being literate enough to get into Harvard.

"Scholarship? Why?"

"Music, I'm in the music program. It just worked out."

"What do you play?"

"The flute," Wylan mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

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