The Silence was deafening as I walked out of the pack house. My heart was pounding a million miles per hour and I was struggling to keep my tears from falling. I was determined to leave this forsaken place. Only taking my most favoured possessions with me. They never saw this coming. Neither did he. He thought that I was going to beg and plead for him to accept me. For me to promise to be the girl he visions as his mate. Well, that wasn't going to happen. Even if Hell froze over right this second. Taking a deep breathe I closed my the door behind me and began taking my first terrifying steps of freedom.
A smile lit my face as I started running towards the taxi that was waiting for me. Laughing I pulled open the door and jumped inside. I was laughing excitedely.
"You ready to go, miss?" The taxi driver asked.
"Yes, please. I assume Mason gave you directions?" I asked as I placed my bag next to me.
The man nodded, "Yes, he did.
"Okay, then. Off we go." and with that we were off.
Once we were moving at a good pace I slowly began to relax into the seat. The trees were blurring as we moved. I sighed. I was going to miss treading into the forest and exploring every inch of it. Missing my favourite place to lay low when things got bad.
"So, why is a young lady like you leaving this place by yourself?" the taxi driver asked as he looked into the review mirror which I was reflected in. I smiled sadly.
"It's simple, really. The pepole who are supposed to protect me are the ones I need protection from. I'm leaving to start over with a new family. A loving one."
He shook his head. "You can't choose family, kid. They are your blood."
Mimicking him I shook my head too, "See, that's the thing..." I looked at his ID tag, "Larry. Blood only makes you related. Loyalty makes you family." we sat in silence for a minute. Larry looked like he was thinking what I said over.
"That's actually very true. How old are you?"
"Sixteen!'re very mature for your age."
I chuckled. "Yup. Well, I had to grow up earlier than expected."
"Why, kid?" what's with the 100 questions, Larry? My instincts were telling me that he was just doing it to fill in the time. I mean, we are going to spend hours in a car together. But my conscience was telling me to eb a bit skeptic. After another moment of silence I decided to let it slide and answer.
"I aquired some...abilities at a young age and so to deal with them I had to grow fast. Also for other reasons I had to grow up quite quickly."
"Such a shame. Well, I know Mason. He's a good kid. Much like you actually." he laughed. I smiled hearing of my best friend. It was true. We were very much alike. Nothing besides distance could seperate us. Which is why I was moving in with him and his sister Cassie. Were their parents fine with it? Of course. Was Cassie nearly exploding with excitement for having her best friend move in? Hell yes! Did their parents know that I was due to arrive in a couple days? Oh hell no! Which is why Mason and Cassie gave me a set of instructions to follow. I had a letter that I was supposed to open once I crossed the border without anyone following me.
"Yes, he is. So is his sister." Larry laughed.
"Oh, that girl has more energy in her than the powerstation. Ture that she is a good kid too but that girl better find a way to lower those energy levels before I reach 60. I'm her neighbor and I swear every time something she likes happens-"
"Everybody in a forty-mile radius will know that it happens." I finished for him laughing.
"Exactly! You know her pretty well then?"

Rejection Before Karma
WerewolfPreviously known as Rejected: Kiss My Ass, Now I'm Back. Ketzia Hutchinson was rejected by her mate Alexander Kingsley. He was the typical soon-to-be alpha and she was the apparent weak-link with hidden strength. The girl who everyone ignored and w...