My New Assistant is... WHO?!

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I went to work as usual and as I was turning the knob on my door boss suddenly called me

I sat down infront of her.

"oooh... nice ring Hyuna... can I see it?" she asked while grabbing my hands.

'oh that? don't worry it's cheap you know...." I assured her.

"your ring is cheap but it's beautiful Hyuna... not like my DIAMOND studded ring.... can we switch?" she suddenly asked.

"S-sure... are you okay with us switiching? I mean the price of your ring know.... you add like 2 zero's in the end!" I said as I wore her ring.

suddenly I noticed that her eyes were shining like diamonds.

"what?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow at her.

"you've got a new assistant... a handsome one too!" she said while smiling.

*I'm not looking for a relationship right now GOT IT?!*

"uh.... sure... so who is i-----" I was cut off because someone opened the door.

"Oh I'm sorry if I'm disturbing..." he said.

I turned and saw Lee Gikwang.

he smiled at me then at boss.

"Kim Hyuna, he is your new Assistant. be nice to her mmm kay?" she said.

*how can I concentrate on working when a cute guy is here?!*

I smiled at Gikwang and stood up. suddenly he grabbed my bags and carried it out of the office.

*such a gentleman.*

I entered my room and looked at the diamond ring.

"what the hell is in her mind lending me her diamond ring?" I said as I took it off and placed it on top of my phone and started to work 

I sighed and suddenly Gikwang barged into my office.

"Oh.. Gikwang... do you need something?" I asked trying to look as cute as possible.

"I brought you some coffee Miss..." he said as he sat down.

"stop calling me Miss okay? just call me Hyuna." I said as I opened my coffee and realized it was the same flavor I bought when we met.

"Oh... hehe~~" I chuckled as I sipped more.

"I'll be outside if you need anything okay?" he said as he went out the door.

*NO hyuna.. he's just trying to do a good job. that's all.*

I grabbed my purse and went to the meeting I have to go to.

after the meeting I saw all the others being picked up by their husbands or boyfriends while I, on the other hand was alone. then just to add to my mood it started to rain.

"Just great." I muttered under my breath as I ran through the rain. I was getting soaked when someone placed an umbrella above my head.

I turned and saw Gikwang

"why are you here gikwang? you should've been at the office right?" I asked him trying not to look directly at his eyes.

"um.... yes but I remembered you didn't bring an umbrella so I went out." he said with a smile.

I caught myself staring at him.

*yah! Hyuna!*

I shook my head and we walked towards the bus stop.

when we got into a bus there was only one seat and he offered it to me.

"here... you might hurt yourself." he said as he made way.

*it's his job Hyuna.*

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