2: snitches get stitches

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The grounds of Camp Nightwing was filled with pops of blue and red littered around the place like decoration. The Colour War was to commence that night and Tammy couldn't have shown less interest as she marched past the councillors throwing blue and red tops to the Shadyside and Sunnyvaler campers, respectively.

Tammy would much rather be reading a book or drawing in her notepad, which was her intention as she shuffled back over to her cabin.

She opened the door sheepishly and took a peek inside to ensure she was the only person in the cabin.

She was.

And so she pulled the door completely open, the hinges squealing sharply as the girl entered and pulled the door back closed behind her.

Tammy marched over to her bed and lifted her pillow and flipped through the many scribble filled pages until she reached a blank one, folding the book over on itself so that it was easier to hold. She jumped onto her bed, picking up a pen from the window ledge, which was caked in all sorts of engravings and carvings, most of which were initials in a heart or a message slagging off another camper. Tammy tended not to read them, afraid she would see one aimed at her but then again, had to remind herself nobody paid much attention to her anyhow.

Tammy placed the pen to the paper and began to scribble down all the thoughts in her head whilst remembering her encounter with Nick Goode only a few minutes before.

He knew who she was.

And she couldn't help but smile as her hand curved and created two ovals with the pen.

Tammy hardly realised how much, yet, how little time had passed as she looked down at her work. It wasn't finished but she was proud of it and considered it one of her best pieces.

She held her pad out in front of her to admire it from a distance until a face in the window of the door made her jump out of her skin.

The door was yanked open rapidly and in stepped Tommy Slater, her brother. He ran a hand through his curtains stressfully. Tammy had dropped her pad onto the floor in fear but then kicked it out of sight once Tommy had focused on her.

He smiled.

But she didn't return it.

And he caught on.

The corners of his mouth began to fall upon the realisation that something was wrong, approaching the frowning girl.

"Hey, Squirt. What are you doing?" He asked, sitting down next to her and catching a glimpse of the sketch pad hidden partially under her bed and he bent forward to pick it up.

Tammy stamped her foot down harshly onto his hand in impulse and he shot back up, holding his hand and groaning, cursing under his breath.

"What the shit, Tammy?" He hissed, chewing his lip in pain.

"I'm awfully sorry, Thomas," She smiled at him, loathing in her eyes.

Thomas evidently noticed as he backed up slightly, lifting himself from the bed.

"What's up with you today? Is Ziggy bullying you again?" Tommy shook his head disappointedly with a fed up smile.

"What? No. We're friends," Tammy replied slowly, shyly sliding the book further under the bed.

Tommy nodded sarcastically.

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