9: they both die in the end

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Tammy had never thought she would find herself in the position that the many characters she'd read about found themselves in nearly every day.

She was terrified for her life.

She had never found herself in this situation and never would again. Which is why it was all so exhilarating and lively. This was a once in a lifetime experience at most since the chances of her getting out alive were pretty much zero.

Tommy was dead.

So, even if she was fortunate enough to see another day, the girl had nothing more to live for. Her brother, best friend and mentor all rolled into one was gone.

Was nothing but another star in the sky, another life lost, another grave in a cemetery.

All that, for nothing.

As the trio found themselves running for the Hanging Tree, Tammy couldn't help but feel relief.

They were going to end this. Right here, right now.

But then a little part of her felt she shouldn't have had the girls come with her.

The killers were after her, after all. Why should them two accompany her when they could all so easily be killed.

"There it is. Go, go!" Cindy instructed as they ran out towards the tree Tammy was watching Ziggy be tied to only a few hours before. She remembered how Nick came sprinted out across the grass.


Tammy felt her heart ache as she begged he was okay.

"Here?" Ziggy asked frantically, as Tammy was pulled back into the moment, any images or thought of the boy she had spent such an intimate moment with not long ago, faded from her mind.

"Yes!" Cindy confirmed as they halted to a stop and began to dig like their life depended on it.

Because it did.

Tammy stabbed at the soil and jabbed the trowel into it, throwing the mud absolutely everywhere.

"Dig! Dig!"

But from the distance emerged a figure.

"Cindy ..." Ziggy whimpered as she stopped digging.

Everyone looked up at the approaching person.

The hairs on the back of Tammy's neck stood on end, her body became infected with goosebumps. She felt her knees grow weak at the sight but it only drove her further as the digging grew frantic and begging.

"Just keep digging," Cindy instructed shakily and they all resumed.

"Faster!" Cindy added as Ruby Lane, the girl that had emerged from the hatch in the floor not too long ago, came into view, humming her song menacingly.

When a blunt noise came from below one of the shovels.

"I hit something," Ziggy informed and they all dropped their spades and began to dig with their hands. Ziggy's hands brushed upon Tammy's one or two times and that touch made her feel safe, despite how exposed they were.

It was a rock.

The writing upon it made Tammy's slight grin of achievement fade into an expression of horror and grief.

"'The witch forever lives'," Cindy read out defeatedly.

Ziggy repeated the phrase.

"Cindy, what does it mean? Cindy?"

"I don't know."

They looked to Tammy but all she could do was shake her head in sorrow.

"Well, where is she? Where's the body?" Ziggy frantically cried, the tone of voice growing more and more horrified.

SEREIN 。NICK GOODEWhere stories live. Discover now