6: t is for trauma

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Tammy made her way around all of the cabins, deciding to start from Cabin Five considering Gary and Nick were starting from the first and last cabin.

Her stomach still felt woozy and empty and her headache was still present in the back of her mind. But all she could think about was her brother and how the pair had left things on bad terms. All she could think about was how she never told him that she loved him back or that she appreciated how much he was looking out for her, but instead decided she had time to say that to him in the distant future when they were old and grey. But now that wasn't looking like an option as she screamed his name from the top of her lungs.

Tammy decided that she wanted to make her way up to the higher cabins in the hope she'd run into Nick and they could look together. But she knew deep down he'd give her shit for not listening to him and not staying in the Mess Hall.

She didn't care.

She was her own person and didn't have to listen to the boy who had done her dirty. Besides, she had every right to go and look for her missing brother whilst there was a killer on the loose. Even with the chance he could be dead, she wanted to be the one to find him and not a bunch of children who were still under the impression the Colour War was still taking place.

"TOMMYYY!" Tammy cried her lungs empty, growing extremely impatient. "TOMMY, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?"

Rustling in the bushes made the girl turn abruptly. There was a pit in her stomach as she debated on approaching the noise, but the longer she waited the more she realised it was probably an animal and not the killer.

Yet, she still hesitated to approach the spot, but when she heard the sound of coughing and a splat she knew the bush was her only option as she flung herself into it.

A flashlight shone in her direction and a voice called out, "Is somebody there?"

It was Nick's voice.

And Tammy then began to debate whether or not to reveal herself to him considering he'd told her to stay in the Mess Hall whilst he found her brother.

"Hello?" His voice came out again, and just as Tammy was about to stand up, Nick released a gasp and the flashlight stopped shining through the leaves as though he'd turned around.

"Nick! I came out of the bathroom, she was just dead, man! I swear to God! I—" This was Kurt's voice and suddenly Tammy felt herself lowering back to the ground.

Then Kurt stopped.

Like he'd seen something.

"Jesus, man! Did you do this?" Kurt asked, evidently terrified from the shake in his voice.

Then there was a struggle, like one of them had grabbed ahold of the other.

"There's a fucking killer," Nick growled lowly, causing Kurt to hyperventilate.


"We have to get the others out of here. Get back to the Mess Hall," He continued, "In fifteen minutes, you ring the bell. When you ring the bell, that's the signal. Get them on the bus, get them out of here. Alright? You hear me?"

But Kurt didn't even get a chance to reply before Nick was yelling at him.

"Just go! Go, Kurt!" And it was followed by scampering feet and running.

It was silent.

All that could be heard was the sound of Nick's heavy breathing before the sound of skin on fabric made Tammy stand up and make her way through the bush.

"Nick? What are you doing?" She asked emotionlessly, her eyes beginning to water once she noticed the blood that was smeared down his front.

The boy nearly jumped from his skin once he caught sight of the girl. He went to ask her what she was doing but was cut off.

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