4: sweet revenge

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The night drew on, the Colour War had begun and Tammy's cabin hadn't been quieter. No rare visitor coming to freshen up or grab jackets or change their shoes.

It was a quiet night for Tammy.

So quiet she had managed to almost completely finish her art and get through a couple hundred pages of her book, which was currently being interrupted by a short nap.

The girl hadn't even realised she was currently in a deep state of unconsciousness until there was a harsh knock on the cabin door.

Tammy slurred around as she awoke her deep slumber, rubbing her opening eyes. She released a yawn as the voices outside began to chat, puntil there was another harsh knock on the door.

"Mhm ... come in!" Tammy shouted as the door was pulled open with the usual squeak and two sets of feet came into the room.

Tammy was still trying to understand what was going on as the two people made their way towards the bed. Tammy just thought it was some kids playing Colour War checking for anyone hiding in the cabin but instead, she was greeted with Ziggy Berman's voice.

"Tammy?" It was deafening to a half-conscious Tamsin as she sat up from facing the wall. She looked from Ziggy to the person next to her and upon realisation, the whole room nearly flipped upside down with how quickly Tammy began to move around.

Her bottle was knocked over, pouring all over her book, so she lifted it up rapidly, cursing up a storm under her breath but she only began to panic harder as she noticed the sketch pad open on the bedside table. Tammy released an audible scream as she grabbed it, each page digging into her fingertips — dangerously close to cutting them — as she dropped it to the floor and kicked it under the bed.

When Tammy looked up, she was met with Ziggy, who looked so unamused that she looked as though she were dozing off and Nick, whose eyes were fixated on the floorboards where the pad had been.

Tammy felt her cheeks become scorching hot as she had to come to terms with the fact that Nick had definitely seen the contents of the page. But yet, decided to try and change the subject.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting guests. Did you guys want something orrrrr?"

"Well, actually, Ziggy and I were wondering if you'd be interested in a little revenge scheme we had planned?" Nick smirked, nudging Ziggy slightly in hopes she would lighten up.

Tammy's smile began to fade upon realising that it was almost definitely Nick's idea to invite her and not Ziggy's. She had been hoping that the girl was finally warming up to her but instead it was almost as if she was being forced to go along with it.

But it could be fun and maybe she would come around if Tammy could prove she isn't some bore that reads and draws all day and lets people walk all over her, which had been the case with today.

Tammy shrugged.

"Sure," She replied, a somewhat mischievous smile coming over her.

Nick's face lit up with her response and he turned and smiled to Ziggy.

"See, I told you it was worth the ask," He laughed, eyes remaining on Tammy. Yet, he couldn't help but find his eyes crawling back to the floorboards where Tammy's artwork had been on full display.

"Yeah ... well ... come on then, before we lose our opportunity," Ziggy huffed, rolling her eyes and exiting the cabin.

Nick turned to the girl pushing herself up onto her feet with an awkward smile.

"Yeahhh ... I'm sorry about her. She's pretty—"

"Intense. I know. I have and continue to try and get past all that. It's not looking too good though if I'm being honest with you," Tammy interrupted him.

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