7: the end of an era

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The night was silent, which was the opposite of what the girls wanted. As Ziggy and Tammy arrived in the middle of camp, they noticed there was absolutely no one to be found.

"Kurt! Will! Anybody!" Ziggy screamed, stopping in her place and spinning, checking her surroundings.

But as Ziggy let out a gasp, Tammy turned her attention to what Ziggy had seen.

The bus.

Tammy gave a relieved sigh as she went to run to it but Ziggy grabbed her wrist tightly.

Tammy looked at Ziggy and Ziggy looked to the bus, which was now driving away.

Tammy turned to look at the sound of wheels on concrete as she too watched it drive away.

Tammy almost fainted as all the blood drained from her body and she glowed a ghostly white.

"No ... no ..." She began to mutter.

But then Ziggy began to breathe heavily as she snatched the girl's arm and began to pull her away.

She turned to look at what had given Ziggy such a spooking but when she lay eyes on Tommy, she gave the girl no reason to pull her anymore and ran.

The pair ran straight to the Mess Hall, opening the door and slamming it behind them.

Ziggy wasted no time as she ran straight for the music and hit play.

This confused Tammy at first as she span to look at the girl but Ziggy had grabbed her by the hand and pulled her.

The music blared out all around them as Ziggy pulled the blonde around the corner and began to ramble to her.

"Go into the pantry. I'll be there in a minute, I just need to grab something. Close the door behind you."

"No!" Tammy shook her head but Ziggy's eyes grew aggressive.

"I'm not fucking asking you! I'm telling you! Go into the pantry — NOW!"

And she nudged Tammy towards the door, which she pushed open as she toppled into it and closed it behind her exhaustedly.

There were bangs and crashes coming from the other side of the door, making the girl grow anxious as she searched around for any sort of weapon.


Unless she could manage to knock the boy unconscious with an apple, nothing in her reach would do her justice as she backed into the corner defeatedly.

There was silence beyond the echoing song that continued to blare on into the night.

And Tammy was tempted to open the door to check that Ziggy was okay. But as her hand reached for the handle, it jiggled violently.

And then there was harsh banging on the wood as someone attempted to get in.

Tammy jumped back in horror as she smacked her hand over her mouth and closed her eyes.

Then not too long later, a sharp blade burst through the door inches from where she was sat.

She released a whimper and she closed her eyes tighter as the axe continued to eat at the door.

SEREIN 。NICK GOODEWhere stories live. Discover now