8: plotting against the devil

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The silence between each girl grew painfully long, its thick presence weighing down on each person. None of the girls had said anything to each other because none of them dared disturbing the hurting girl.

Nobody knew what to say.

So, as they sat in silence, with the exception of Tammy's wet sniffles, the clambering from below them was easily picked up by Cindy Berman as she released Tammy and gave Ziggy a look. The girl slowly crawled over towards a large gaping hatch in the floor where she had presumably appeared from. The grunts and heavy sounds of movements made Tammy open her eyes and look over at the hatch, sharing a quick and concerned glance with Ziggy.

Tammy's eyes burned with each blink and eye movement she made as she examined the hatch without the slightest bit of dread. If someone was coming up that hatch, they would kill Tammy and put her out of her misery.

Tammy watched as Cindy began to make her way over to the hole, looking back at the pair to check they were okay. With each rustle from below the floor, Tammy felt closer and closer to her release, until Cindy jumped slightly and exhaled.

"Hey, Snitch," Came the voice of Alice, one of the other camp councillors that Tommy had worked alongside.

"What took you so long?" Cindy asked, helping the girl out of the hole.

And after all that, they chuckled.

Tammy lifted her gaze up to them, her blood boiling at the sound.

"You did it," Alice looked to Cindy after analysing Tammy's dead brother beside her. Tammy tilted her head in confusion as to what she meant by this, placing her hand onto his back.

"We did it," Cindy corrected before she pulled Alice in for a hug — which she quickly pulled away from.

"Okay, careful. This things like a million years old," She warned, placing her hand on what appeared to be a fairly new bag.

Tammy didn't care though, as her bottom lip continued to quiver and her eyes were permanently glossed over with pain.

"I bought that a month ago," Cindy muttered quite offendedly.

"No, I'm not talking about your stupid bag, Genius. 'Blood will fall'. Satan's stone, okay? It was right there. All this time, buried under the moss, and I found it. I fucking found it," Alice began to grin, nodding in excitement.

Tammy raised her gaze to Ziggy and then up to the two girls busy in conversation.

"Found what?" Cindy asked.

Alice began to smile.

"Three guesses."

The girl's all made their way into the Mess Hall and watched as Alice placed down the bag.

Tammy glided her way into the doorway and watched from afar, looking down at the corpse every now and then with a faint choke.

Alice opened up the bag and pulled out what looked to be a skeleton hand. Tammy still hadn't grasped what was going on as her brain was still completely clouded from witnessing her brother's death. She hadn't had a single thought since that moment and feared she never would again.

"What? What is that?" Ziggy asked as she gazed down in confusion and awe.

Alice inhaled.

"It's Sarah Fier's lost hand."

Tammy's ears perked up at the sound and she made her way further into the room as though the hand was calling to her.

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