Part 2 <3

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I hope you enjoy this part! I am making more <3


Dream POV *-*

I gripped Nicks hand and lend him out silently from the small room we'd waited in. The bell had rung and we heard students running off to their classes.

"This way!" Sapnap whispered pointing down the right of the corridor with his free hand.

I followed his arm and quietly rushed down the hall with Sapnap following right behind me.

"What sort of fucking labyrinth is this place?" I hiss , after we took our fifth right turn and second left turn.

I could see Nick trying so hard not to laugh "You go to this school everday!" He whispered back , still running right behind me.

"Oh says you!" I said through muffled laughter, "You skip all the time!"

We tried not to laugh as we ran towards the exit.

"Mr Davis will be here in .." He paused , " 5.24 minutes ."

"Jeez! That's specific!" I replied thinking carefully about that.

We reached the door and I started on the handle. After fiddling with it for a few seconds I told Sapnap it wasn't going to open and he took charge.

"This will work." He said showing me a small screw looking thing that he started tampering the lock with.

"There you go!" He fried open the lock and opened the door with ease.

"No need to be a show off." I smiled at him as he grinned happily. It was as if breaking out of school was something he enjoyed. I thought about this, he probably did like it.

We started sprinting down the road on the sidewalk laughing excitedly.

We didn't know where we were going , but we had each other. Those thoughts kept ringing in my ears. Id grabbed his waist , and he'd been okay with it! That wasn't something you just glossed over! We'd held hands! Multiple times! I didn't know why but it felt right! It definitely wasn't what best friends did , we knew that much.

"Hey are we gonna talk about-" I stopped myself as I turned and looked at Sapnap running by my side. I stopped sprinting and looked at him. My heart pounded in my ears. He looked so.. handsome with his hair flying back in the wind.

"Dream?" He stopped and turned back towards me, "Is something wrong?" He looked at me worriedly.

"No, no , nothings wrong." It wasn't a lie , everything was amazing, I mean I was with .. best .. friend. I didn't think I wanted anything more than that.. right..?

I carried on walking with Nick now by my side.

"Where did you wanna go?" Sapnap asked.

"How about we go to the coffee shop?" I said as I peered up the road at the multiple small shops that stood at the end of it.

"Hm. Sure , I guess, but then we've gotta go somewhere fun!" He grinned at me.

I thought about where we could go as we carried on walking to the coffee shop.

"We could go back to my house? It's massive and no ones home." I said after a long pause.

"Yes!" Nick said running forward a step.

As we walked I closed the gap between us and walked right beside him , only centimetres between us. I could feel my cheeks going lightly red as our hands kept skimming against each other. I don't know what was wrong with me! I was basically crushing on my best friend.. how was I going to tell him that?! He obviously didn't feel the same way!

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