Part 23 <3

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Hi how are you? :] <3

Dream POV *-*

We started sprinting in the fields the grass in between our feet and the trees in the distance slowly coming closer. 

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" Sapnap yelled at me aggressively sprinting EVEN faster forwards.

"HEY! You got a head start." I sped up as well and jumped on him , making us tumble and roll down the hill hugged against each other.

When we finally stopped rolling we lay in each other's arms beside one another laughing.

I turned to look at his glittering eyes , gleaming in the sun light. The smile on his face made my heart flutter and chest pound.

"Anyone ever told you you're hot?" I whisper.

"You could stand to mention it more." Sap replied airily , joining my gaze.

I smiled and connected our lips softly with a gentle press.

Things couldn't get better, they probably would , knowing the surprises I've had in my life. Things would keep going for us , A future , maybe even marriage and kids? But that was a bit fair stretched for now , I wanted to focus on the present , there with Nick.


I nodded.

"Promise me something. Just one more thing."

I nodded again.

"Promise you'll love me with all your heart?"

I nodded immediately.

"Then that's all we need," as if he read my mind he continued saying , "We'll have the best future and a long living one at that if you believe it strong enough."

I smiled , "I do. Do you?"

It was like we were getting married.

"I do." Nick grinned.

And that was it , basically our entire vows set up, the best words I'd ever heard. Obviously we weren't getting married , but it was the best sentiment I'd ever heard!

The end..

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