Part 7 <3

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Hi. Enjoy <3
Just so you know , swearing is basically included in all of them :)


Sapnap POV *-*

Once again, It was the start of a new week. I'd been staying at Dreams house all weekend.

I sighed as I woke up and Dream wasn't there.

I went and checked to see if my own clothes were still okay enough to wear. I didn't wanna go around in Dreams clothes, his friends would know straight away. They were already worried enough about him.

I walked over to my pile of clothes and picked them up . They were pretty worn , but apart from that , they were fine.

It was a small black shirt and shorts. I remembered how the got there and shook slightly , hugging myself . I had to be stronger. My heart pounded in my chest as I reached for them.

Then I looked in the mirror. I gasped and rolled my eyes.

All on my neck, hickeys. I frowned and looked back at my clothes. I couldn't wear them! They wouldn't cover up anything. I just wished I had my closet! I had so many turtle necks in there.

I grumbled as I looked at my reflection.

I put on some bigger shorts and walked downstairs in search of Dream.

"Dream." I called "I need clothes."

He must of heard me because he replied , "Just take some. I don't mind."

I had no clue we're he was but I rolled my eyes again and went into the kitchen to see if he was there.

He was sat on the counter tying up a tie he was wearing.

"I mean, I need clothes that look like they'd be mine." I said frowning at him.

"Why-" He interrupted himself as he saw me, stood , arms crossed, with markings all across my neck.

He tried not to laugh and reached to grab my hand.

"Here.. I .. pft.. I - come , I'll get you some." He said between muffled laughter.

He was about to tell me something but a voice made a loud entrance.

"Hey, Clay! Oh. And.." She sounded off put as she saw me.

It was Dream's sister , Mia. I looked at Dream wide eyed. I didn't wanna turn around. He had been glaring at Mia but looked at me , confused for a second, then he gasped and smiled nervously at his sister.

"Heyyy Miaaaa." He said slowly, "How about you go for a walk, huh?"

"What's wrong with you. And why is that boy of yours not turning around?" I could feel her eyes on me as I didn't look her way.

"Nothing. Just go away." Dream places a hand on my shoulder.

"Scared him off, already?" She teased.

I bit my lip and stayed silent. I knew Dream was about to go off at her : his grip tightened.

He looked down at me. I wanted to hug him so bad.

He put his arms out.

I ran into them and held him tight.

I heard Mia gasp.

"Look, Clay, I don't know what your doing , but please.. Just be careful.."

She walked off and luckily didn't come back.

"It's alright, she's just like that." Dream whispered.

He dragged me back up to his room and got me some clothes.

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