Part 22 <3

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This is a week into the new school days , after summer vacation.

Sapnap POV *-*

He cuddled me softly as I lay on his chest , my legs out stretched. I had my laptop on my stomach and frowned at it. Me and Dream had a test in a couple of days and we had to revise for it. He stroked the side of my face carefully. I smiled and leaned back into him.

"So the Great Conquest was in..?"

"336 - 341?" I replied uncertainty as Dream covered the screen with his hand.

"323. Far off." He smiled , "And you've got to say BC."

"Oh I hate History." I groaned.

"Yeah and I'm sure Alexander The Great would hate you too ,baby." He laughed and stroked my face again.

His hoodie was on my shoulders and I cuddled into it as Dream continues to scroll through the pages and pages of information on the Wars of Alexander The Great. It was just a massive re cap on stuff we learnt in grade 6 for god sake.

I stared out of the window mindlessly at the specks of snow falling down and the frost covering the glass. I grinned and hugged onto Clays arm. He leant down and kissed my head.

After a bit more revision , he offered me a hot chocolate for working so well , and I graciously said yes!

Once they were made we sat cuddled up with huge blankets at the bottom of the bed staring out the window and at the video of a fire place on his TV.

I sipped from my cup and picked up a handful of marshmallows that were on a tray in front of us. I leaned back on Clay before nibbling my food.

"This is so much more relaxing than homework." Clay said , breathing out.

"Yeah," I answered , kissing his cheek.

As I did , he caressed my face and leaned to kiss my lips. The cold wintry night felt immediately warmer as our lips connected , like a soft fire spread from the touch. His hand slipped to the side of my face and pressed more against each other.


I hadn't caught up with George since our argument.. I didn't want to but I knew how hard it would be to avoid him in school and I'd already seen him awkwardly 3 times that week!

When we went into school the next day after studying , me and Dream saw him.

I spotted him first before covering Dreams stomach to stop him running at George. I sighed and just held the side of him walking forward. Dream turned round quickly and stormed up to George.

"CLAY!" I said turning after him.

"You need to stay the fuck away from us." Dream picked him up by the scruff of his neck.

George put his arms up in serenader, "What the hell are you talking about? I'm not walking into you guys on PURPOSE! And I'm definitely not picking a fight with either of you!"

Dream lifted him up higher on the wall and I quickly tugged him to back off. I brought Clay away and stared at the two , Dream still trying to punch him across the face.

"We have a lesson to get to." I started dragging him away.

"Really?" I continued , facing Dream.


He sighed and straightened up his clothes again , "Your stupid. He was obviously coming near you on purpose."

"No he wasn't. We're at school. Of course we're going to see him once or twice."

Dream sighed again but stayed quiet.

It was so stupid that we just couldn't go through a day without one small thing going wrong.

I gripped Clays hand and we continued to walk down the corridor.

At lunch , we sat in the cafeteria silently , barely touching our food. I don't know what it was but after the whole George thing , we went to our different classes and then met up again at lunch, but for some reason it was so strange. Almost ... awkward..

I fiddled with my hands and stared at them, occasionally looking up to see him.

"Uh.. I-.." I looked up , "Are you okay..? You've been .. quiet."

"I'm fine. Are you?" Dream replied stabbing his fork into the plate.

"Are you still bothered about George..? Or .. have I done something-?" I asked.

"It's not you.." He groaned and leaned his head back, rubbing his face.

"Well what is it then?"

"It's George."

Well, what the hell was I supposed to say , It was kinda obvious , you know! I stared at Dream , expecting him to say something.

"He's in my math class , remember?" He said it so angrily , I didn't dare reply , "He was just really ticking me off. I had to sit next to him and all he would talk about was the stupid fucking kiss!"

"But you don't need to worry about that! You know we're solid , bub!" I said.

"I know.. but he just really gets under my skin."

I nodded and jabbed at a chicken nugget on my tray. He smiled and together we sat eating chicken nuggies staring out at the frost falling from the dark white clouds that loomed out the window.

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:::::: 868 <3 ::::::

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