Chapter 2: The Interview

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(Y/N) observed her reflection in the old, cracked mirror. She went through a mental checklist, trying to make sure she had everything ready for the interview. Professional clothing? Not really, her suit jacket was missing a button. Her watch? She was sure it would stop working at any minute. Her file with her resume and cover letter? At least that was prepared! She glanced at the clock, feeling sweaty even though she had just taken a shower one hour ago. In less than two hours, she would be sitting right before Hange. Magath had her apply to be their intern so she would interview with them directly instead of Erwin. Magath had helped as much as he could, he had gotten her application in, but acing the interview was all on her.

"You ready?" Floch yawned from the bed, eyeing her outfit. "You're wearing that?"

"Yeah, is something wrong with it?" (Y/N) fidgeted with her collar.

"No...anyway, you should leave in a couple of minutes so that you're not late. This job is desperately needed for the both of us," Floch mumbled. He was referring to the extra income Magath would provide if (Y/N) succeeded. Floch didn't really have a job and relied on (Y/N)'s money to fund his hobbies. It was quite annoying.

"Sure," (Y/N) exited the room, grabbing her keys. Talking with Floch would just give her a headache, she should grab some breakfast and head over to Paradis & Co. Headquarters. Maybe today she'd give herself a treat and get one of those bagel sandwiches. And her favorite coffee!

As she left the apartment complex, the chilly autumn air caused her to shiver. If only she had a car or money for a taxi, she wouldn't have to walk the miles-long trek to Paradis Headquarters. Luckily for her, everything in Shiganshina City was close enough that she didn't have to rely on transportation. She stopped by the deli near her apartment, grabbing a (favorite bagel) and a (favorite coffee). Albeit a little cold, it was a great day. The skies were cerulean, the sun was shining...hopefully, this was a good omen!

Nobody bumped into her, nobody stepped on her worn shoes. Everything went smoothly as she approached the huge skyscraper where Paradis & Co. was located at.

"Woah," (Y/N) whispered under her breath. She had thought Marley Tech had an impressive building, but clearly, Paradis won the race here. The skyscraper was almost a hundred floors high, its walls covered with huge windows that sparkled under the sunrays. Dozens of well-dressed people entered the building, their confident stances intimidating.

She edged through the revolving doors, marveling at the sparkling marble floors. The interior was very modern, very chic, and in no way did it resemble an engineering company. She was grateful that she had worn a suit instead of her other casual clothes. (Y/N) quickly stuffed the coffee cup and the bagel wrappers in a nearby trashcan and walked towards the huge desk that sat in the front of the room.

Behind it were see-through elevators. She could hear chatter and see smiles on everyone's faces, and that made her assume that people actually enjoyed working in the company. That was a pleasant contrast to the miserable faces she saw every day at Marley.


(Y/N) startled, turning to the receptionist. She had pretty strawberry-blonde hair and peered up at her with curious eyes. The tag on her suit jacket read Petra.

"(First Name) (Last Name). I'm here for an interview with Lead Engineer Hange Zoe," (Y/N) said confidently, trying to mimic the poised stances she had seen earlier.

Petra eyed the monitor in front of her, chewing the inside of her cheek as she did so. "Ah, I see your appointment right here! Why don't you sign this form for me quickly, so I can get you a badge before you head on up!"

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