Fix You

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Lexie started to hear voices, they were quiet and indistinguishable. As time went on the voices became louder but Lexie still couldn't make out the words. She had tried to open her eyes for a while and finally managed to do so. Once Lexie had opened her eyes she saw a flash of white light, causing her to close them again. She blinked a few times, and her eyes were finally starting to adjust to the light. The voices she'd been hearing turned into people, but those people weren't the same doctors she'd seen earlier. This time she didn't recognize just Dr. Torres but also Dr. Robbins. The numbness in Lexie's body started to fade and apart from the pain she could feel someone was holding her hand. She turned her head with all the strength she had left just to see that her father was the one holding it.
"She's starting to wake up." Dr. Robbins said.
Lexie was still looking at her father. She had never seen him like this. His eyes were full of tears, and he was just staring at her, like she was about to leave him. In the corner of her eye Lexie could see Dr. Robbins approach.
"Lexie, you have been shot—"
"—do you know where you are?"
Lexie tried to speak but no words came out. She tried to turn her head towards Dr. Robbins but her head felt like a bowling ball and unable to move she remained facing her father. Even nodding was too big of an effort. The inability to move, the powerlessness, made a tear ran down her face.
"—can you hear me." Dr. Robbins said.
Derek stood up, grabbing the little flashlight from his front pocket.
"She is barely awake." Dr. Torres said.
Derek put the light on, blinding Lexie. Once her eyes refocused, she followed the light, just like she was supposed to.
"We have to get that CT-scan and not just of her abdomen and pelvis—"
"—she needs a head CT."
"Derek, you're overreacting—" Dr. Torres said.
"—I don't want my daughter to die just because you didn't want to do a head CT."
Derek took a deep breath.
"We're doing a head CT, just to be sure."
Dr. Torres nodded.
"Alright, let's take her up."

A little later Lexie found herself inside of the CT-scan. She had to lie perfectly still, which wouldn't be a problem. Lexie's pain medication started to wear of causing excruciating pain in her hip. It felt like that bullet was destroying her from the inside out. She took a few deep breath's, trying to focus on something else. Lexie started thinking of her friend and where she would be at? Based on Rylan's injuries they probably took her to an OR for emergency surgery. Which meant she'd either still be in surgery or she'd already been taken to post-op. Lexie still had hope that her friend would be okay, she had to.
"You're doing great, just a few more minutes." Dr. Torres said through the intercom.
Lexie's attention was brought back to her hip and unlike before she could feel the rest of her body. The pain in her hip had extended to the rest of her leg. Lexie tried to tilt her head.
"You have to remain still; can you do that?"
Lexie desperately tried to think of something else, but the pain wouldn't allowing her to. After a little while she could no longer control her impulses and she tried to tilt her head. This time she had managed to do so, and she was now looking at her leg.  It was pale and looked like it didn't belong to her.
"Let's get her to an OR—"
"—now!" Dr. Torres said as she rushed over to Lexie.
The scan was stopped, and Lexie got pulled out. She was placed back on the bed and rushed to an OR.
"We are going to take the bullet out immediately, because it has compromised the blood flow to your leg—"
"—and we are going to do everything we can to make sure you won't lose your leg." Dr. Robbins interrupted.
Lexie nodded and before she knew it, she found herself laying on the OR table.
"You are going to be fine." Dr. Robbins said with a smile.
An oxygen mask was put on Lexie's face and within seconds everything faded away.

Lexie started to wake up and his time it was her mother that was sitting by her bed. Meredith had this look on her face causing Lexie to gasp for air.
"I'm so sorry—"
Rylan had been in Lexie's life for as long as she could remember and not for a second, she could imagine a world without her. No farewell words were spoken and there was no time to say goodbye. That hit Lexie the hardest and, in the end, grief is just the price we pay for love.
"—we did everything we could, but Rylan is dead." Meredith said as a tear ran down her face.
Lexie started crying uncontrollably. The tears were streaming down her face as she was gasping for air. Meredith stood up, taking the railing of the bed down before laying down next to her daughter. Everything Lexie had felt today came out. She could feel a sense of relieve, being in her mother's arms. Lexie took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. The two of them laid on the bed together, until Lexie dozed off to sleep. The one please she was truly at peace.

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