the art of stealing | soyeon x ot5

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soyeon stealing the member's clothes
relationship: no established relationships/ kinda implied poly but not rlly?

soyeon is a very simple person. she sees oversized clothes, she takes it.

well maybe not all the time, but she owns a lot of oversized hoodies. some of them she graciously stole from her members. of course she returns them back.

you see, she is the smallest one in the group so it isn't hard to fit into her other members' clothes.

of course her members are ok with it which she's surprised about. she didn't question it though.

she doesn't know when the stealing started, but maybe it started when minnie gave her, her hoodie to wear during the harsh winter.

minnie gave it to her since she forgot her sweater and only had a loose t-shirt on from practice.

soyeon eventually forgot to give it back, and minnie told her she could keep it. of course soyeon felt bad so she bought another one for minnie later on, and minnie accepted it with a big smile.

after that minnie started to let her borrow more of her clothes, and it just slowly morphed into her stealing them.

the next victim was miyeon.

miyeon was harder to steal from comparing to the other members since she didn't own many hoodies in the first place. miyeon also would sometimes complain when she would steal them.

she would always try to steal them in secret, but miyeon would somehow always catch her. of course miyeon would end up letting her borrow the hoodie anyways.

soyeon likes wearing miyeon's hoodies since they're bigger than minnie's since miyeon wears oversized ones too.

when she wore them they would basically cover her whole body. every time she wore them miyeon would go on and gush about how cute she looks that day.

soyeon would always end up giving her a face of disgusted even if she secretly liked the compliments.

she would always make sure to give them back to miyeon though, and miyeon would appreciate her for that.

next person on her list was soojin.

she'd always steal soojin's sweaters. they were comfortable when she got cold. often times soojin would barge into her studio and give her one since she would forget to bring one.

soojin of course didn't mind either but took a different approach. she would give soyeon the sweaters and make her wear them. in soojin's defense it was winter at that time and soyeon apparently doesn't feel the cold.

she'd always scolded soyeon for not layering properly, and soyeon would always brush her off and take her sweater.

soyeon knew soojin was just trying to prevent her from getting sick, but soyeon would just always genuinely forget.

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