under the weather | yuqi x ot5

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yuqi's feeling a little down and all the members take account to it.
platonic relationships
ty for 1k reads! (:

yuqi had many feelings she felt while being in an unknown country. having to leave her home to pursue a dream she's been wanting since as long as she can imagine.

it's her new home now.

however sometimes it can feel foreign to her, with no sense of belonging. sometimes she badly wants to just take a plane to her hometown beijing and stay there forever. she knows she can't but sometimes she can't shake the feeling of being without family.

even so, she have 5 other wonderful girls that love and support her. even then, sometimes she feels as if she's not home. she calls them her home but sometimes homesickness really gets to her.

when it would get to a certain point she would just lock herself in her room, not wanting to come out. she would watch old videos from when she was a kid in beijing. she missed the food, places, and just genuinely the area there. where she knew she belonged.

today this place doesn't feel like home. the members noticed how she had grown distant, and stopped being a ball of energy for a while. they assumed at first it was because of the comeback schedule they were having for a few weeks but after a week of no schedules, yuqi still hadn't returned to being lively.

they knew she was feeling like home. they all secretly heard her sobs in the middle of night with broken mandarin following after. it broke all of their hearts hearing yuqi like this. she was normally the one hiding her homesickness and not expressing them out.

they all took different ways to console the han girl at times like these.

I. miyeon

miyeon always felt bad for the younger girl. she shouldn't be having to go through all of this alone. though they've had their fair share of fights together, they will always be by each other's side if needed. miyeon always felt the urge to cheer yuqi up when she feels down.

miyeon quietly knocks on the door to present herself. she came in with many pillows and blankets which yuqi was confused by. it was clear the older girl was planning something. miyeon started to gather all the chairs around the room and aligned them in a circle in the middle of the room.

she started laying out blankets on top of all the chairs to make some sort of a pillow fort. yes it was childish but she would do anything to see the bright smile appear on yuqi's face.

she pulls the girl off her bed and ushers her into the fort. there it was with a bunch of pillows and stuff animals inside. there was always miyeon's laptop inside with a movie set up. miyeon then proceeds to throw herself onto yuqi when the girl settles down.

they cuddled together while watching some cartoon show miyeon chose out.

somehow peacefully watching a movie together turned into a death battle between the two girls. it was caused when yuqi playfully threw a pillow at miyeon and the older girl threw one back. it went back and forth until they started running around and causing a mess.

there it was, pillows and blankets scattered everywhere in the room while both girls had pillows in their hands ready to launch at the other.

"you are going down cho miyeon!"

"not if i defeat you first song yuqi!"

the girls that are currently outside of the room are bracing themselves for the worst. when yuqi and miyeon get in a battle, it gets chaotic.

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