scars | minnie x yuqi

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minnie hates her scars, but yuqi thinks they're beautiful
relationship: established
tw//mentions of self harm

one by one she looked at them.

she saw how raindrops were falling on them.

they were not ugly nor pretty. they were scattered all around her arm. some spots easier to see, some spots that were more difficult to see.

she looked at how they were all in different areas, how some of them were diagonal, and how some of them were straight.

she didn't despise them, but she surely didn't enjoy seeing them when rolling up her sleeves. she wished they would just go away.

she wanted to take a sponge and rub them all away. she knew if she did that, more would just come.

it was her fault, she did it to herself. she hated how she had no self control to fight back.

she felt many emotions through the years, mainly negative ones. maybe that's why she started. maybe that's why she picked up the blade that one night after she found out someone she loved went behind her back.

she never was fond of trusting people easily, she would always make sure to put her defenses up. she didn't want to be seen as weak, but sometimes she wished that she could put her walls down to someone.

in the end, she promised herself she would never. she didn't want someone to see her wallow in self-pity.

for the most part she kept the vow to herself, it was until a foreign student from beijing showed up into her life.

"hi! my name is yuqi, what's your name?"

she was hesitant at first, and was caught off guard. she wanted to just ignore the girl and go on with her day, but she wasn't rude. she'd feel bad later on if she did that anyway.

"hi i'm.." she took a pause. she looked at the girl and stared straight into her eyes. something about her was different from the people she's met. something about her was comforting. she could get lost in those hazelnut eyes. they had a sparkle to them. something about it drew her in further.

"minnie. i'm minnie, nice to meet you."

she ignored every single regret that was going on in her brain. maybe this time she could learn to actually become close with someone.

at first it was hard for her. she wasn't the type to socialize a lot. at times she kind of regretted talking to yuqi, but the younger girl wasn't all that bad.

even if minnie didn't talk most of the time with her, there were still tiny actions minnie did that yuqi noticed. she would always save yuqi a spot at lunch, and when yuqi would forget her lunches sometimes minnie would offer her lunch to her.

she would also often pay attention to the things she liked and disliked. she would get yuqi bubble tea sometimes and she never needed to ask yuqi for her order. she'd just always know.

it seemed so long ago that they were just two young high schoolers trying to live their life.

minnie found out that yuqi was having problems at home. her mother and father were at the lowest point of their marriage. she would always ask minnie if she could stay for a bit longer when they would hang out.

she couldn't bear coming home just to hear screaming and yelling. she didn't even know if she could call it home.

it would always end up with yuqi staying the night just so she didn't have to deal with her parents. minnie always saw how she was a free girl, but once she dived deeper into her she found a scared fragile girl that could break any minute.

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