you fill the warmth in me | minnie x ot5

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minnie feels a little under the weather and the girls cheer her up
platonic relationship
i am sorry for dying a bit there it's been a month....

minnie wasn't feeling too good today. maybe it was because of all the stress build up she has to face when trying to produce a song on time for their upcoming album. she's definitely 5 seconds away from a mental breakdown. all she wants to do at the moment is to cuddle in her sheets and cry herself to sleep, but she doesn't. she has more things to worry about than to pity herself.

she doesn't like bothering the other members so she doesn't tell them that she needs a break. she pushes through with about 10 cups of tea and instant ramen. sure it wasn't healthy, but there wasn't much else she could do.

right now she's at her record of staying in her studios. she's deprived herself from sunlight for about 24 hours now, and still nothing has came out of her brain. there's cups and bowls scattered everywhere, crumbled pieces of paper thrown on the floor, and about 5 different hoodies in different areas of her studio.

at this point she's not even sure what to do right now. she could probably push it for another 8 hours before she ends up falling asleep. she doesn't want to come out empty handed so she pushes through her sleepiness.

when the clock hits 10pm that's when she starts having a breakdown. she's stayed in a crammed up space for longer than she intended to. not only did she not think of anything, but she also has been ignoring the other girl's calls and texts.

tears started to fall down her face. she honestly let  it build up too much inside of her. she slams down her palms on the table and stands up. she shoves all of the papers down onto the floor, not being able to contain her anger. she starts punching the pillow on her couch. she couldn't stop the tears that were coming down her face.

in the end she ended up in the corner of her room, knees up to her chin, and her head buried into them. she tried to calm herself down while her studio looked like a tornado went through it. she didn't know what to do at this point. as time goes on and she calms down she starts to feel drowsy. soon enough she falls asleep on the ground.

after a while, minnie got woken up by someone lifting her up. she squinted her eyes open and was met with jet black hair. she looked up to see who it was and, low and behold it's the main dancer of the group. she snuggled in more when she knew it was soojin, probably carrying her back to the dorms.

as soon as she heard the passcode getting punched into the door, she felt the comfort of home wrap around her once it opened up. she was ready to just pass out on her bed or anyones bed really, she didn't care at this point.

soojin laid her down in a bed that wasn't hers. she assumed it was the dancer's bed since it smelled like her. she thought the younger girl was just going to leave her there, but to her surprise she joined minnie.

the older girl cuddled up to soojin with her face smushed into her neck, and arms wrapped around her waist.

"i was going to the practice room, and i passed by your studio. i looked through the door and saw the mess. are you ok?" she said in the most softest and caring voice.

minnie started to think about what happened. she wasn't one to hold her emotions in well. she started to feel tears prick at her eyes. she tried to bury her face deeper into soojin's neck so the tears won't come out.

"it's just been too much for me soojin. i don't know if i can take it anymore." soojin nodded in understanding. she started to comb her hands into minnie's hair to comfort the older girl. she knows at this moment minnie just needs someone to be there and cuddle with her. she can give her a serious talk later.

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