i'm sorry | yuqi x minnie

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yuqi and minnie get into a fight
established relationship

a loud slam at the door was a good enough reason for soyeon to slowly pack her stuff and head to the other dorm at 12:45am.

"you don't get it minine! we were clearly not flirting!" a loud yuqi echoed in the entrance hallway. "yes you were! you just couldn't see it because you lack the ability to read the fucking room!" a yelling minnie followed right after.

to say soyeon was scared was an understatement. yes, the couple had their fair share of small banters and arguments, but it had never gotten this bad.

"well i'm sorry you're too emotionally unstable to handle me talking to another person!" soyeon winced at that. yuqi had definitely screwed up on that one. soyeon then heard a loud slap echo and minnie running past her slamming her bedroom door close. she then heard yuqi stomp to her respective room.

soyeon stood there not knowing what to do, so she continued her first goal to head to the other dorms. she proceeded to knock on the gashina's dorm door and was met with a confused shuhua.

"why are you here unnie?" shuhua was rightfully confused since soyeon only comes over if she needs help with something (which is normally not at 1am in the morning) or if there's an important schedule to share. "minnie and yuqi got into a pretty bad fight, and i didn't want to stay for it." shuhua humed in understandment. she saw how concerned soyeon looked and patted her on the back.

"they'll make up, don't worry about it too much."


song yuqi was always stubborn and prideful. sometimes she doesn't understand what goes on in minnie's mind. sometimes she's still a bit clueless about the thai girl, but also she admits that she could be in the wrong sometimes. no matter how high her pride is, once she really understands the situation she knows when to back down.

once yuqi had calmed down a bit, she realized that she screwed up big time. she felt the angry red slap mark on her face.

she sat at the edge of the bed and burried her face into hands. she took a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

her and minnie had never gotten into an argument this badly before. sure it's gotten to the yelling but never to the point where minnie had slapped her. yuqi wasn't sure how to apologize in this situation. she doesn't know what to do.

luckily she has a certain taiwanese friend who always saves her ass in these situations. she rang shuhua to meet her at the nearby park. once yuqi got there, she sat down nervously on the bench, head facing down.

"so what did you do this time?" yuqi looked up to see an annoyed but concerned shuhua.

"i screwed up big time shu. i couldn't see that someone was flirting with me and minnie got jealous while i was in denial. i just thought that girl was being nice." shuhua face palms. "you know if i was minnie unnie, i would slap you." yuqi sighs and pulls down her mask to show the bruise that was slowly forming on her cheek.

"already got that." shuhua chuckles a bit and sits down next to yuqi. "just apologize to her with flowers, minnie unnie is into that. also add in her favorite tea and snacks. it'll cheer her up even more." yuqi sighs again. "i don't even think she'll speak to me."

"she will, minnie unnie loves you too much to avoid you." yuqi stuffs her face into her hands again.

"i really messed up this time huh?" shuhua grins. "you definitely did, but just own up to it. she'll forgive you."

"well i should let you go back now, thanks shu." she gave the younger girl a side hug. "don't worry about it woogs, go get your girl back."

by the next morning yuqi was up at 6am. she tossed and turned all last night just thinking about a certain thai girl.

she walked to the store to pick up some items she hoped minnie would love. she also bought soyeon her favorite snacks as a way of saying sorry for scaring her.

once she got back to their dorms she got started on breakfast. she decided that chocolate pancakes would work out well. she even bought a mold that shaped them as a mouse.

she plates the pancakes and decorated it with fruits she knew minnie would like. by the time she finished everything it was 9:30am. she decided to go serve minnie breakfast in bed.

she lightly knocks on the older girls room and when she hears no response she lets herself in. she saw minnie curled up into the sheets still asleep. she decides to leave the breakfast on the bedside table with a note. a simple 'i know it'll take more for you to forgive me, but i'm sorry about last night. i'll be in the living room if you need me.'

she quietly closes the door on her way out and goes over to the other dorm for a minute. she saw that everyone was awake sitting around the dinner table. she makes eye contact with soyeon and scratches the back of her head. "sorry for scaring you lost night unnie, i bought snacks for you as a compensation." soyeon accepts the snacks from her with a big smile.

"it's fine, just make sure to make it up with minnie." yuqi nods her head and heads back to the producer line's dorm.

she decides to wait on the couch for minnie to come out. she puts a random show on the tv and slowly falls asleep.

yuqi is awoken by a tap on her cheek. she slowly opens her eyes and is met with a flustered minnie. yuqi, still drowsy, shakes her head a bit.

"oh, hi." yuqi manages to breath out. minnie pats her head. "thanks for the breakfast." yuqi nods at her.

"i'm sorry about last night. it was selfish of me to not consider your feelings." yuqi looks down at her feet. "i should've paid attention more than entertain her. i thought i was just being friendly." minnie lets out a sigh and brings her hand to yuqi's chin. she lifts her head up and makes her face her eyes.

"i forgive you, just, i'm also sorry for not talking it out with you, and also slapping you." yuqi shakes her head. "no i deserved it, i was being an asshole." minnie chuckles. "aren't you always one anyway?"

"hey!" yuqi cracks open her own smile. at that moment yuqi felt like everything would be alright in the end.

minnie pulls yuqi into a giant bear hug. "i love you."

"i love you too min."

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