car crash | yuqi x soyeon

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We got it started in the worst way
Just by the way you looked at me
Goddamn, it was a spectacle
We look fuckin' incredible now

the past year hasn't been normal for jeon soyeon.

she had first saw song yuqi while looking outside of the window from miyeon's family-owned cafe. the older girl's family was nice enough to let soyeon work there full time since she didn't have a job.

during her break time, soyeon either likes experimenting by making new drinks, or just simply just enjoying the view of the outside. the cafe was on a busy street so it was regular to catch something or someone interesting.

that's when soyeon saw yuqi, her bright pink hair stuck out from the rest. soyeon closely observed her (well as close as she could, there was still a whole wall of windows in the way). she saw how the girl was impatient waiting for the crosswalk to turn green.

it was when yuqi was heading towards the cafe where soyeon made her way to the back of the counter (she wouldn't want to let a customer know she was staring). she saw the pink-haired girl walk up to her and gave her a small "hi" while looking at the menu on the screens above.

"welcome, what would you like today?" soyeon gave her best smile. i mean how could she not, the girl in front of her was the prettiest girl she's ever seen (besides miyeon of course). yuqi finally looked at soyeon and could be seen with a faint blush that spread across her face.

"what would you recommend?" soyeon looked at her with another smile. "well, you can never go wrong with an iced americano." yuqi simply nods signaling it was okay and swiped her card to pay. "please have a seat and your drink will be out shortly."

yuqi decided to sit near the cash register. if she was too scared to tell the pretty cashier that she actually hates iced americano, she could at least have a good view trying to drink it. what she didn't know was the barista was panicking in the back.

soyeon pulled aside miyeon seeing the girl making some type of tasty treat. "when are those going to get finished?" miyeon raised her eyebrows, she'd never seen soyeon so, how should she say it? frantic? "either you did a wrongful deed to someone who just walked in, or the person who just walked in was a pretty girl." soyeon gave her an awkward smiling signaling it was the latter option while miyeon sighed. "just get her whatever she ordered first." soyeon made an okay sign and quickly made yuqi's iced americano with care.

she was quick to serve it to yuqi and went back behind the counter to observe the girl. she saw how yuqi took little sips and struggled to drink it down. she realized yuqi was probably being nice and didn't want to ignore soyeon's drink request. she went back to the back (which made yuqi frown), and decided to make a different drink while seeing that miyeon's desert was almost done.

she settled on making a classic lemonade for yuqi. iit was perfect since spring has finally arrived, and it was great for the refreshing weather. soyeon also put a slice of what miyeon made on a plate (apparently it was a raspberry cheesecake but soyeon wasn't really listening anyway).

she placed it down on the girl's table to which yuqi was confused by. she looked up to see the barista standing there. "i saw that you weren't really enjoying your drink, i assumed you wanted something sweeter." yuqi looked surprised, how did this random girl read her so well? "thank you.." yuqi trailed off to squint at the name tag on her uniform, "soyeon." yuqi looked back at her eyes. "thank you, soyeon." soyeon smiled. "and what's your name?"

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