warm | yuqi x minnie x miyeon

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rain + cuddles between the vocal line

maybe the rain was just too loud for her today.

normally she doesn't mind it, i mean her name literally means rain and jade. most of the time the rain gave her better inspiration to write. it pushed her to write more sorrowful songs with their upcoming album coming up.

however right now she just couldn't focus. while trying to revise lost more, she started to lose her groove. the only thing that invaded her mind was the loud rain that could be heard.

the rain was heavy and hard, yuqi could tell by the way she could hear it banging on the roof of the company's building.

she checked the time to see that it was a little past 2am. she wondered if the other girls were all home from their schedule already. she knew soyeon would probably sleep at the company due to the heavy rain, making it hard to go back home. however she knew shuhua and soojin had no schedule, and minnie and miyeon had only one early one. so that leaves her and soyeon with not being home.

yuqi debated whether or not to stay at the company and sleep on her couch, or to toughen up and try to make her way back home. she wasn't sure if she could sleep alone tonight, which pushed her to slowly close her laptop and finish for the night.

still she wasn't 100% sure if she really wanted to have a fight in the rain just to find comfort in her bed (and in her members). she could just cuddle up with the endless amount of plushies on her gray couch. however her phone started to ring.

she picked it up from her desk to see the contact, it was the one and only eldest member.

"hey unnie"

"when are you coming home?" miyeon sounded concerned, almost scolding the girl.

"i'm still at the company, i'll be home in a bit." well it seems like miyeon made yuqi make up her mind on the spot.

"wait for minnie, she's coming to pick you up. she was also going to pick up soyeon, but the girl refuses to leave." yuqi giggled. of course miyeon would be too scared to go fetch her, so minnie has to toughen up and do it herself.

"alright see you in a bit."

yuqi hung up the phone and started to gather everything she needed to take home. it wasn't a lot but she still had a small bag to carry everything.

she decided to go down to the cafe, and buy a drink for herself (also because it was on the ground floor and it made it easier for minnie to hunt down yuqi). she also decided to order a hot chocolate for minnie as a thank you for actually coming to fetch her.

it was long until the thai girl arrived. she looked tired and a little annoyed, however her eyes lit up when she saw the drink yuqi bought for her. "i was going to slap you for making miyeon concerned enough to force me to come here, however with this all is forgiven." yuqi gave her a nervous laugh and followed her as she walked out to the car. minnie sent a short text to miyeon saying that yuqi was now with her in the car.

the dorms weren't far from the company, it was only about a 20 minute drive. however, yuqi still managed to feel drowsy and fall asleep in those 20 minutes. she was leaning on the glass window of the car until she felt air blowing into her ear. slowly she opened her eyes to a minnie that was basically right in front of her.

"we're home, come on."

minnie was practically dragging yuqi out of the car since the girl was going too slow for her liking. after the both of them got into the dorms, they spotted miyeon still there.

"aren't you going to go back?"

"do you not want me here?"

"i didn't mean it like that!"

yuqi was tired enough to not deal with the puppy sisters having a banter. she decided to get between the two of them and stop it from escalating any further.

"love and peace everyone." both of them rolled their eyes at yuqi before miyeon spoke up again. "you should go take a warm shower yuqi, i don't want you getting sick." even if she was tired and wanted to pass out at any moment, she agreed with miyeon.

she decided to make her way to the bathroom, leaving the two oldest members to keep each other company (she just hopes they don't start bantering again).

she knew miyeon was right, a nice warm shower is what she needed after all that producing. her back was slowly forming into a shrimp with the posture she had.

after showering, she dried her hair and did her daily night routine (even if it was almost 4am). she made her way to minnie's room, mainly because she didn't want to spend the rest of the night alone. she saw the two girls cuddling on the bed, trying to keep the warmth in. when minnie peaked her head up after hearing the sound of her door opening, she lightly pushed miyeon away. miyeon whined in return and minnie patted the space next to her, ushering yuqi to come lay down with them.

miyeon pouted but quickly cuddled up against yuqi when she laid down. minnie patted yuqi's head and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. yuqi loved being cared for by her two unnie's. it made her feel warm inside and gave her a better peace of mind.

miyeon decides to turn of the lights for them before going back and cuddling into yuqi's back once more. yuqi placed her head in the crook of minnie's neck, while the older girl throws her arm across yuqi's body and onto miyeon's.

slowly she easily drifted off into dreamland without much effort.

the warmth of her members was all she needed to fall asleep safe and soundly.

a.n/ i might end this series soon, just because it's been going on for more than a year now and sometimes you just have to let things go.

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