After the Banquet - Hurt/Comfort

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Niki finds Puffy mid-breakdown in her TheraPuffy office and comforts her
Puffy couldn't breathe. She had felt the breakdown coming on as soon as she left the banquet hall, and had rushed to lock herself in her TheraPuffy office.

After all these times calming others down from panic attacks - and that's what it was, she realized dimly, a panic attack- Puffy thought it ironic that the one time she had one nobody was there to help her.

She dug her nails into her skin, still painted a dark red from the banquet, and tried to ground herself to no avail.

Her breath was coming in gasps now, and she closed her eyes in an attempt to steady it. That did more bad than good however, as every time she closed her eyes she saw the panic on Antfrost's face as she brought the axe down on his heart.

I killed him. She thought numbly, I killed my best friend. I'm no better than any of them. I'm a monster.

She opened her eyes again and attempted to blink back the tears that had been welling up. Not only Ant, she realized, but Foolish as well. If she hadn't been so useless, her son would still have all three of his canon lives.

She was openly sobbing now, and the only thing her brain could focus on was the word running through her brain. My fault, my fault, my fault, all my fault- She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled down on her ears in a desperate attempt to quiet it.

She curled up even further into a ball, and, while retreated into herself like this, she missed the sound of knocking on the door. She didn't miss, however, the sound of a key sliding into place.

"Puffy?" A voice cut through the room. "Are you okay? I heard crying."

Puffy sniffled and turned her head away, not wanting to face whoever the voice belonged to. At least, she tried to turn away, but that didn't last long as she soon felt soft hands caress here check and wipe away her tears.

She looked up to see a pretty girl with bright pink hair- her girlfriend, she realized in the back of her mind- crouched in front of her, concern painted across her face.

Niki slowly reached out a hand to brush Puffy's curry hair out of her face, and used the other had to slowly rub circles on her back.

"Now, do you want to talk about what happened, or do you want to sit here a little longer" Niki asked once Puffy's breathing had calmed a little.

"A-Ant and F-F-Foolish are both d-dead and it's all my-my fault!" The sentence ended in a cry, and Puffy buried her face into Niki's shirt.

"How on earth is that your fault?" Niki's small hand lifted up her chin, and and this moment, curled up into a ball and cowering behind her desk, Puffy felt more like a child than she ever had.

"Be-because-because" Puffy stuttered "Because you heard what Bad said at the banquet! You know-all if you know- that if I hadn't been so useless I could have saved him! Heck- if I had just been better Foolish never would've been in danger in the first place!"

"Puffy-" Niki started, but was soon interrupted.

"And Ant's death is obviously my fault as well, it was my blade that-" Puffy's  voice dropped to a whisper "It was my blade that killed him. I did it. I kill- I killed my best friend!" Her voice cracked, worn out from all the tears.

"Oh Puffy" Niki breathed "Oh sweet, sweet Puffy. None of this is your fault."


"No but's. Foolish choose to take Eret's place, and Ant's death was purely self defense. Nobody blames you" Niki spoke softly, as if talking to a child.

"But I'm a monster! A murder! How can you see me as anything but that!" The words 'When even I can't' went unsaid, but Niki knew what Puffy meant anyways.

"Because you're not. All of us have done things we regret, things we'd do anything to avoid doing again, that's just part of being human."

At this all of Puffy's walls came crashing down, and she collapsed into Niki's arms, sobbing.

Niki just sat there in silence, rubbing Puffy's back and running a hand through her hair.

"Are you okay now?" Niki asked her after a few minutes?

"No" Puffy said breathlessly, "But I will be"

Word Count: 757

Alright! This is certainly much longer than my last one, and I feel much better about how it turned out.

This was a request from Ao3 user PilachuDedInside who asked for Niki comforting Puffy after the banquet.

Also, I'm currently thinking about making a longer fic, still Puffychu, I am very much still on that brain rot, in addition to this.

My current idea is a Space Pirates au following the 'Humans are space orcs' troupe so let me know if anybody would be interested in that, and if so who else would you want to see as a crew member?

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