Saturday Morning - Fluff

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Niki yawned, blearily opening her eyes still foggy with sleep. She brushed her faded pink hair back behind her ears before finally sitting up, leaning against the headrest.

She was once again struck by the beauty of her girlfriend- her heart still fluttered whenever she got to call Puffy by that word and they'd been dating for months now. Puffy was still sound asleep, her hair spilled out messily behind her and face so peaceful Niki'd think her dead if not for the slow rise and fall of her chest.

Carefully as to not wake her girlfriend, Niki removed herself from the warmth of the blankets. She picked up the outfit she'd lain out the night before and crossed the bedroom to the bathroom door, lightly shutting it behind her and sliding the lock into place.

She quickly slipped off her nightgown and threw her tank top over her head, followed by a thick sweater to combat the harsh November chill. She pulled some leggings on as well, splashing some water over her face to wake herself up more, choosing to skip out on makeup for the day as she didn't have work.

She emerged from the bathroom and walked over to the bed where Puffy was still fast asleep. She leaned down to her girlfriend and gently shook her shoulders a bit.

"Hey" Niki whispered under her breath "It's time to get up sweetheart"

Puffy groaned and pushed Niki's hands away, rolling over to face the other way.

Niki raised her eyebrows, confused. Puffy's always an early bird, she though in confusion. She then noticed the lack of bright sun coming through the window, nowhere near enough for mid morning.

She glanced down at the alarm clock on her nightstand briefly, and burst out laughing at her own stupidity. 6:37 the clock read. Niki had gotten so used to waking up with the sun for work she'd accidentally done the same on the weekend!

Oh well, she sighed, I guess a little more sleep can't hurt, and so she climbed back under the covers, curling upr next to Puffy, and, sighing contentedly, she fell back asleep.

Word count: 358

Sorry it's not that good, this is my first fic.

Also I'd you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please point them out to me in the comments. English is my native language, I just have very bad writing skills.

Until next time!

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