A Proposal - Fluff

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Puffy smiled as she unlocked the apartment door, humming a tune as she turned the knob and stepped inside.

"Niki!" She exclaimed, standing on her toes to kiss her taller girlfriend.

"Shortie" Niki giggled

"You're so mean" Puffy huffed, turning away.

"But yet you love me" Niki said with a smirk.

"You know I do" Puffy said, her checks tinted a slight pink.

"While I have your attention actually, I have something I want to tell you." Niki said, biting her lip.

"Oh?" Puffy said, Taken off guard. "Well then, go on."

"Turn around first silly" Niki said with a grin, although Puffy, having known her so long, saw the sheer amount of nerves behind it.

"Alright, alright, I'm turning." Puffy said, wonder what it could possibly be that was unnerving her girlfriend, who was usually so collected, this much.

"Alright, you can turn back now." Niki said after a moment.

Puffy did as much and immediately gasped. Niki, the love of her life for the past 3 years, was down on one knee, an open ring box in her hand.

"Puffy, every moment I spend with you, I feel more full than I ever have. You are my other half, my soulmate, my best friend." Niki gushed. "Will you marry me?"

Puffy was too schooled to speak for a second, but quickly recovered. "Yes! A million times yes!" She exclaimed, face split into a grin, pulling her girlfriend- no, her fiancé- into a kiss.

Niki pulled out for a second, to slide the ring onto Puffy's finger, and the pulled her back in for another, spinning the woman around the room.

The newly engaged couple collapsed onto the couch. They both knew there was work to do, and they couldn't stay there for ever, but in that moment, it felt like they could indeed spend eternity gazing into the others eyes and just basking in each other's presence.

Word count: 319

Alright! It's been a while since a true update, and I'm sorry for that, and unfortunately updates will continue to be rarer now that school is starting up again, but I assure you, unless I explicitly say so, updates will never cease entirely.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, sorry again for the wait, and see you again next time!

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