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"Who are we going to choose this year?" 

"I don't know, it's about time for the dragon to appear though..." 

"This cursed tradition, why do we even still do it?" 

"Alright! Gather around! It's time to decide who shall be offered to our god and protector!" Yanfei shouted at the top of her lungs. 

"I vote Childe!" someone raised their hand and Childe whipped his head around. 

"W-what?" he choked on his bread. 

"You're not from here so I have no remorse for offering you." 

"Isn't the whole point of this offering to, I don't know, show your thanks as a person of Liyue?" Chide tried to talk himself out of it. 

"Aren't you always saying you're ever-so-happy for your new home here as a citizen of Liyue after you washed ashore? Start showing your thanks and become the offering." 

"Now, now," Yanfei interfered. "If he isn't willing then we must choose someone els-" Her voice was cut off by a thunderous noise from the heavens. The dragon shape of a golden beast flew down to rest on the barrier. The citizens of Liyue trembled in fear, some in awe, and some just shocked out of their skin that the fables they'd heard were actually true. 

"As per our arrangement," Morax's voice thundered, "I have come for your chosen individual." 

"Lord Morax!" Yanfei placed her hand on her chest and gestured her other hand to Childe. "We have chosen this male for you!" 

"Wait- I haven't agreed-" Childe began. 

Morax flew through the barrier and rested in the plaza. The people ran from him in the streets and tried their best to get as far away from him as possible. Childe was frozen stiff, as the face of the dragon examined him. His hot breath blowing onto Childe's face from the proximity. "This human is not originally from here. Is it wise to offer someone not tied to the contract?" His words were calm and not pointing blame. Instead, it sounded as if he was curious. That is, Childe thought as much. The citizens still lurking (from as far away as they could) were terrified Morax would exact punishment. 

"The contract as written in our statue," Yanfei pointed to the pillar that had been carved into a figure of Morax's celestial form as the humans remembered it. Within Morax's hand was the cube he'd inscribed his words onto. "Is that you will take 'whomever we choose from among this city'. That in no way means that the individual needs to be born in this city, now does it?" Yanfei grinned, crossing her arms. The only reason she knew the words written was because she was half-adeptus. "We have not violated the contract and everyone has agreed that Childe is the best suited." 

"Have we? Agreed?" Childe worked up a cold sweat. "Someone just pointed at me and you haven't chosen anyone since-" 

"It would seem as if you have been chosen," Morax's breath was warm against Childe's face. "However, you do not appear to be a willing candidate. Are you dissatisfied?" 

"Whether or not he is satisfied is not his choice," Yanfei chuckled. "It's whoever we choose as the city! The individual has no opinion in accordance with our contract. Or, are you intending to break the contract, Milord?" 

"There is a reason she is a lawyer, huh?" one of the citizens whispered to another. 

Morax closed his eyes for a moment and released a long sigh. Childe's hair ran wild from the breath escaping his mouth. Surprisingly, it didn't smell like anything except a tea quite popular at a shop nearby. Interesting, since Morax was a god and all, where did he get that tea without visiting town? Childe thought for certain that he would remember something along the lines of a giant dragon visiting now and again. 

"Very well," the dragon spoke. He grabbed Childe within his hand (if you could call a dragon's claws a hand) and placed him on top of his head. Childe clung to the horn and closed his eyes tightly as Morax flew off. Partially wanting to scream, Childe gritted his teeth to keep his mouth closed. 

"You may open your eyes now," Morax spoke. Childe opened his eyes and gasped. They weren't in the top of some mountain, they were actually in the depths. For a dragon that always came from the sky...living in a cave seemed very out of character. 

"Is that...Cor Lapis?" Childe gasped again and slid down Morax's back to reach the ground. He stared up at all of the Cor Lapis glimmering in the cave. It was beautiful, although it was said to be an incredibly rare material. Childe ran his hand down the wall of the cave. The further he went the more the Cor Lapis melded together and mixed with a marble formation. A palace was inside this cave. Giant enough for a dragon. Childe stared up at the tall ceiling and extravagant decorations. 

"You need only live with me for a year," Morax stated, moving around with ease in his abode. There was a giant door in the center. Morax opened it to reveal a deep pit filled with mora. He climbed into the pit and curled up into a ball, as a cat would, before closing his eyes. 

"So much...money..." Childe stared over the edge of the doorway. It was a straight drop down. He was scared to move much closer than this. 

"Ah," Morax opened his eyes again and turned his attention to Childe. "I will now bestow upon you two names, in addition to your own, to symbolize the three forms that I may take." 

"Uhm, okay?" Childe stared into the depths of Morax's golden eyes. 

"Tis tradition," Morax elaborated, "Childe, your human name. Ajax, your beastly name, and Tartaglia, your celestial name." 

"Beastly?" Childe's confusion was written on his face. "Is that...not your celestial form?" he pointed to Morax. This question arose simply because of the matching 'ax' the two names shared. Ajax and Morax. A soft noise rested on Childe's ears that touched his heart and made him blush slightly. It took him a while before he realized that was the sound of Morax laughing. 

"No, my dear, this is not my celestial form." 

"'my dear'?" Childe blushed further and grabbed his chest. "Did my heart just skip a beat for a dragon?" he muttered. 

"As I have stated previously, you need only live with me for a year," Morax repeated. "I have no interest in eating you, as I presume individuals keep spreading assumptions like that. This contract was started because individuals insisted upon gifting me a present despite having nothing to gift. I have no interest in hostages," Morax sighed, closing his eyes. 

"Uhm...Morax...Sir?" Childe began. 


"Where am I supposed to sleep?" 

"Wander my abode and sleep where you wish. I do have but one request-" Morax opened his eyes and shifted his head to face Childe. "Do not open this chamber during daylight." 

"Uhm, Morax...Sir?" 


"If it's...alright with you...may I sleep here? Tonight?" 

"Ah, mm, yes." Morax lifted his dragon hand for Childe to step into. He lowered him onto a pile of mora and then went back to his original position. His eyes closed only to shoot open again immediately upon feeling Childe nuzzle up into his mane. It had been so long since a human wasn't terrified of him that he had forgotten what affection could feel like. 

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