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Childe sat next to Zhongli's body with his elbows on his chest and his forehead hiding in his folded hands. He sobbed, praying to the other archons that Zhongli would be okay. As soon as they'd gotten here, the mora surrounded Zhongli, pouring a golden light into him. Childe thought he was getting better but there hadn't been a response from Zhongli. 

"Childe..." Zhongli spoke, moving his hand to Childe's head. Childe grabbed it, tears still streaming down his face. "Why are you crying?" 

"You got hurt. I couldn't help...and..." Childe tried to explain, but kept sniffling instead. 

"I wasn't going to di-" 

"You don't know that!" 

"Mm..." Zhongli groaned and sat up. He folded his hands onto his lap. "Are you not surprised to have seen my transformation from Morax?" 

"Eh?" Childe's head tilted in confusion. His brain took a while to process the question. Once he had, he slapped his hands over his mouth. "Ehhhh?!" 

"Ah, so you were too preoccupied to think about it," Zhongli nodded. His body shifting into his celestial form. A hooded figure with his arms covered in the skin of Morax, riddled with golden lines down to his clawed fingers. The same was true for his legs, however, he was wearing a robe and it was difficult to distinguish. Two horns rested on the top of his head, once he had taken off his hood, they were visible. A soft warm light was emitted from him at all times while in this form. 

"Actually," Childe ran his hand through his hair before resting his hand on his chin to ponder. "I think that makes sense. Maybe I always knew, or was starting to piece together. Some part of me had to have known. I don't think I would've...in the bath...if I hadn't..." Childe's face flushed. "I'm not the cheating type..." 

Zhongli chuckled lightly and placed his hand on Childe's head, giving him a nice pat in his larger hand due to the celestial form's claws. When he removed his hand, Childe grabbed it, placing it on his cheek. "Your skin is still very soft." 

"Thank you?" 

"Will you...uhm..." Childe glanced away. "Change my affinity to geo now?" 

"It's dangerous to-" Zhongli paused once he saw Childe's face become even more flushed. "Are you fond of this form that much?" Zhongli asked. "There is no need for you to change to geo." 

"But..." Childe's eyes kept darting around everywhere except Zhongli's face. "It feels weird to stay with you if I'm hydro." 


"I don't want to leave after the year is over," Childe announced. 

Zhongli stared, quiet tears streamed down his face. 

"Why are you crying?!" Childe moved his hands around, not sure what to do. Should he pat his head? Hold his shoulders? Give him a hug? His hands kept moving in a rotation, trying to figure out what was best. 

"I've never had someone...choose to stay with any form other than Zhongli and also want to stay longer than the year..." Zhongli wrapped his arms around Childe and held him close, allowing the two of them to fall onto the pile of mora. He nuzzled against him, moving his leg in between Childe's. "Very well, I will change your affinity." 

"W-wait..." Childe lightly pressed against Zhongli's chest. "I just have a question...about...down there...?" he glanced down to Zhongli's crotch. "Is it...y'know...in this...?" 

Zhongli smiled, slightly amused. "Are you asking whether or not I have two?" Childe nodded, feeling his face heat up. "I do...but they're on top of each other and one retracts. So if you'd rather ignore the seco-" Childe shook his head. "Are you that intrigued?" 

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