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"Would you care to go into town with me?" Zhongli asked, entering the library where Childe was currently staring at books. He wasn't reading them, just looking at them. 

"Is this your way of asking me out on a date?" Childe turned his head to look over his shoulder. "Are you that keen to keep me out of Master Morax's hair?" 

"I simply thought it was time you would be missing other human interaction," Zhongli replied. 

"They won't recognize me with this, right?" Childe held the mask still on the side of his head. 

"That is correct." 

"What name should I use then?" 

"My dear, you have three of them to choose from," Zhongli chuckled, hiding his mouth behind his hand. 

"I suppose I'll have to go by Tartaglia," Childe crossed his arms, closing his eyes for a moment. 

"Not Ajax even though you're ever so fond of the dragon?" 

"That should be used for my beastly form if I ever manage to figure that out," Childe laughed. "What is Master Morax's celestial name? Or, am I not allowed to know?" 

"It is not common for archons to disclose their celestial name. Many will only be known be called by their second name in their celestial form. Venti, for example, has never had a beastly form but goes by Barbatos, his second name." 

"Venti is an archon?" Childe couldn't stop himself from gasping. 

"Unfortunately," Zhongli nodded. "But enough about that," Zhongli offered his hand for Childe to grasp, "shall we go into town?" 

"Alright," Childe chuckled, "let's go on a date." 


"I have lived here for years but I have never heard of this place," Childe stared at the shop with his hands on his hips. 

"You'd be surprised at what you learn about even if you have lived here since the dawn of Liyue," Zhongli replied. 

"Have you?" Childe turned to stare at him. The golden tips of his hair almost appeared even more golden. 

"Mm, just about," Zhongli nodded, walking into the cafe. 

"Zhongli!" the waitress recognized him immediately. "Do you want your usual?" 

"Two of them, if you wouldn't mind."

"Anything for you," she winked, gesturing to the table in the corner where Childe assumed Zhongli usually sat. 

"Do you usually flirt with your waitress?" Childe rested his chin on his hand, leaning up against the table opposite Zhongli. 

"I don't flirt, Tartaglia," Zhongli replied, folding his hands on the table. 

"You don't know that you're flirting, you mean," Childe smiled. 

"Here you are," the waitress placed two cups of tea down and two meals. 

"This is sweet," Childe stared at the cup. "I didn't take you as the type with a sweet tooth." 

"Why? I've eaten you often enough," Zhongli replied, sipping his tea as if he'd said something completely normal. Childe spat out the tea in his mouth and coughed, covering his mouth with his hand. 

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Childe wiped his mouth with a napkin. 

"Did what?" Zhongli stared at him with no change in expression. 

"You're so terrible," Childe rubbed his temple. "I can't tell if you're serious or messing with me." 

"Perhaps it is a bit of both." 

"Are you okay?" Childe stared. 

"Why do you ask?" Zhongli placed his cup down. 

"You look a bit paler than usual. Did something happen?" 

"No, I-" Zhongli gripped his shirt and leaned over the table, holding the side tightly. He winced, standing up. "I do apologize but I must go." 

"I'll go with you-" 

"No!" Zhongli snapped his head back to Childe, eyes raging. "No, sorry, I apologize for raising my voice but you should move to high ground as quickly as possible. It's dangerous." 

"What are you talking about? What do you mean?" 

"If the barr-" Zhongli closed his mouth and his lips pressed into a firm line. "I have to go," he walked with a swift pace and exited. 

"Waitress, ma'am, could you pack this up for takeout? I'll be back, I promise, but I have to follow Zhongli!" 

Childe ran out into the street and looked both ways. He couldn't tell where Zhongli went but he could feel the earth start to shake. The volcanos on either side began to smoke. "Oh no..." 

"Everyone get away from the coast!" Childe shouted at the top of his lungs. "Make it to high ground but stay under a building's roof! Try to stay indoors! The volcanos are going to burst!" 

"Morax save us!" one citizen whispered. 

"Morax was displeased with the sacrifice! I knew it was a bad idea to send Childe!" another one complained. 

"Morax isn't real!" another one cried. "We're going to die!" 

Childe frowned. No one was listening to him. The figure of Morax appeared in the corner of his eye. Directly above the barrier another one formed, three of them. The volcano's smoke was getting worse. Any minute now and the eruption would fully begin. Childe ran with all of his might toward the barrier. He couldn't fly to Morax but he could try his best to get as close as possible. What could he do? What should he do in this situation? 

Bits of molten rock flew from the volcano's tops and some hit Morax directly. His golden blood dripped down his body. "People of Liyue," his voice roared. "I have protected you since the dawn of this city when it was a mere village. However, there is a chance my barriers will not hold against two simultaneous eruptions. Seek safety within your homes." 

"What do you mean?!" Childe yelled. "What do you mean you won't hold up?!" But Morax paid him no heed. 

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