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"There are so many books in this room," Childe spoke, walking along the aisles and glancing at all of the titles he had never seen before. "I have an acquaintance that would have a field day in this room." 

"Many of these are first editions," Zhongli said. "I am certain any book lover would enjoy them. Would you like to pick one for your acquaintance?" 

"We are not close enough for that," Childe forced a laugh. "I'm not certain that anyone in Liyue would want me there. Isn't that why they picked me as a sacrifice?" Although his face was smiling his heart wasn't in it. 

"Is that why you are so determined to get on Morax's good side?" Zhongli asked, crossing his arms. "Do you think a god will favor you more than humans?" 

"I just..." Childe stared at the book in front of him and ran his finger along the spine. "If I'm going to be here, I might as well make the best of it. It's certainly better than many of the places I've found myself in before." 


"Liyue is a very closed-off city, because of the volcanos...so they aren't very kind to outsiders." 

"Would you like to visit another city then?" 

"Can we?" Childe grabbed Zhongli's shoulders, eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Is that allowed?" 

"Perhaps you should request it of Morax this evening when the seal is removed," Zhongli grabbed Childe's hands and removed them from his shoulders. However, he did not cease holding them. 

"Isn't that...okay?" 

"You are meant to be here for an entire year. Do you not wish to become acquainted with Morax? I thought that was your intention to start with," Zhongli's confusion was expressed by a tilt to his head. 

"Would he get mad?"

"Childe," Zhongli sighed, crossing his arms. "Many of the humans that have been brought here do not interact with Morax after the first day. They avoid the mora pit as if their lives depended on it. If anything, Morax would be delighted that you show interest in him." 

"You have lived long enough to meet some of those humans?" Childe gasped. "How old are you?" 

Zhongli pressed a finger to his own lips and closed one eye. "I'm afraid that is information I cannot disclose." 

"How mysterious," Childe laughed. "Are you even human then?" 

"As I have stated before," Zhongli folded his hands behind his back. "Morax and I are one and the same." 

"Does that mean you're bonded to him for as long as he lives?" Childe stared, still very confused by the statement. 

"Something like that," Zhongli nodded. 


Childe sat outside the sealed room, waiting patiently for it to unlock. The seal shifted and moved, before shining brightly and dispersing. The door to the pit opened and Childe immediately stood up to open it. "Master Morax!" He exclaimed, forgetting how little space there was between the door's ledge and the massive pit. He fell forward, toward the endless mora, and closed his eyes. 

"Quite reckless of you," Morax's booming voice spoke. Childe felt the smooth skin of Morax's palm. The dragon was very soft. Childe thought he would be covered in scales. 

"Uhm..." Childe's thought wandered as he felt the skin of Morax's palm again. It was just too soft. 

"Does my skin amuse you?" Morax stared. Childe snapped his head up, blushing, and stared into his golden eyes. 

"It's very soft," Childe stated, reaching out to touch Morax's snout. His skin here was even softer. 

"I suppose it may be." 

Childe moved both of his hands to Morax's snout and continued to rub his skin. "Your main was soft too but this is different," Childe rested his cheek against Morax's skin and continued to move his hands. 

"Do you not fear me, mortal?" 

"I am terrified, of course," Childe confessed, feeling his hands start to shake. "But you haven't done anything to injure me yet so I am taking some liberties," he closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling long breaths. 

"Oh!" Childe's eyes snapped open and he made eye contact once again with Morax. "Will you take me to a city?" 

"Do you have a destination in mind?" 

"Somewhere beautiful and free," Childe closed his eyes and let out a long breath. "Maybe with a nice specialty drink." 


"Uhm..." Childe glanced away. "Is there another way for me to ride you?" His face flushed again, realizing the second way that could be taken. How anyone had sexual interactions with a dragon was beyond him...why was he even thinking about that? Was he attracted to a dragon? Childe grabbed his shirt over his heart and clutched his clothing. This was quite troublesome. 

"I could carry you in my hand," Morax suggested. "Or in my mouth." 

"Wouldn't your mouth get me...slimy?" Childe asked. 

"I have the ability to cease saliva production in order to breathe geo. I don't need to eat in this form so I rarely produce saliva." Morax opened his mouth wide enough for Childe to see. 

"Do you not have teeth either?" Childe moved his hand into Morax's mouth to touch the roof. He couldn't find any. 

"They are retractable," Morax explained. His breath hot against Childe's face. 

"What do you mean by 'breathe geo'?" 

"Have you never heard of a fire-breathing dragon? The concept is the same, however, I do not have the pyro affinity. I breathe what may be described as molten mora. It takes a considerable amount of temperature for a blacksmith to craft anything of the earth's ore. That temperature is constant within my chest." 

"You're like a volcano for golden lava?" 

"I suppose one could think of it as such," Morax chuckled, warm breath on Childe's face again. It lacked moisture from the saliva not being produced. 

"If I crawl into your mouth...you won't eat me?" 

"If I had wanted to eat you, Childe, you would have already been eaten," Morax stated. 

"Fair enough," Childe nodded, crawling into Morax's mouth. He laid down on Morax's tongue even though there was still plenty of room after the dragon had closed his mouth. Everything shifted and Childe clung to the tongue itself to keep from slamming around. It was dry and something like a large body pillow. It was easy to grab ahold of even though it was much larger than Childe, because of the fork in the center. 

Movement stopped and Morax's mouth opened. Childe climbed out but fell onto his face. The grass was incredibly green. He could smell the soft scent of dandelions. "Welcome to Mondstadt," Morax stated, moving his head to point toward the city. "Unfortunately, I cannot get closer than this. Walk toward the city, outside the walls you should meet a familiar face." 

"Who? I don't know anyone." 

"Go on," Morax pressed his nose against Childe's back and pushed him forward. 

"But I don't kno-"

"Trust me." 

Childe nodded and looked toward the city. He made his way. 

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