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He had gotten drunk while he was hanging out with his friends. you were called by one of his friends to go pick him up since you were his girlfriend.

You got him in your car and back home.

Once you got him to your house you decided to take him straight to bed. He suddenly grabs his phone from the night stand you had placed it on. You were confused on what he was doing but went along with it and let him be.

He then shoved his phone in your face, you backed up a little so you could see what was on the screen properly, once you did you saw a picture of yourself.

"beautiful right?" he said with a proud smile on his face, you laughed at him as you nodded your head.

"i'm gonna marry her" he said said turning the phone towards him and just looked at your picture for a while with eyes full of love before falling asleep hugging his phone close to his chest.
Sooo... I decided to start posting these little images I come up with throughout the day. I have a lot more ideas and things to write down. I'll be updating this book every once in a while.


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