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You were driving over to your boyfriends house, you had all of his favorite snacks since you both were gonna watch a movie. When you got there you up to the door and surprisingly it was open. You went up to his room to find his door half way open instead of it usually being closed.

You walked and you froze in place when you saw what was happening in front of you.

He was kissing another girl, and not just any girl it was your ex best friend.

"What?" You managed a little whisper out of your mouth

"Wait y/n, let me explain" he started to say

"Was I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? Did I not give you enough attention? Was my love not enough for you? What did I do for me to deserve this?" You asked him with sorrow in your eyes. Your eyes started to tear up and he couldn't even look you in the eyes

"It's not what you think." He started but you just ran down back into your car. You drove away as soon as you got in. You could see him standing at his front door knees to his face and sitting in the floor.

You got back to your house and went up to your room, you cried for some time that your eyes were all red and puffy. You grew tired and you fell asleep.

In the morning you had school, you made sure to cover up the puffed and red under your eyes. You didn't get much sleep last night either so you were falling asleep in almost all your classes.

You were on your way to study hall when you saw your ex boyfriend walking right down the hall you were about to take to go to your class.

You started to walk the other way and try to get as far from him as possible. You caught him in the way you were moving and he started to run up to you to try and catch up or grab your arm to stop you from moving away.

"What do you want?!" You say as soon as he caught a firm grip on your arm turning you around. You looked towards the ground instead of him.

"I'm sorry ok, just let me explain" he went to take a hold of your chin to make you face him but you moved your face away and threw your arm up so he let go of it.

"There's nothing to explain, I have to go or I'll be late." And with that you left him behind alone once again.

You teared up a bit while walking away but you tried to keep strong and not burst into tears at school.

The endings pretty shitty but oh well. I had a bit of time so I decided to update.


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