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You're laying in bed with your significant other. He's asleep holding you super tight.

Although you love cuddling with him, sometimes it can get quite warm.

You decide to move out of his grasp and get some fresh air to hopefully cool off. As you get up you move towards the door, but before you can get it open it is shut immediately.

You turn around quickly and see him with his arm against the door.

"Where on earth do you think you're going?" He questions still half asleep.

You point towards the now closed door, "outside, it's really hot in here." You hinted at him, hoping he'd realize you didn't want to cuddle anymore.

"I'll just open a window." He suggested grabbing your arm and pulling you back in the bed.

"Now, back to this." He smiled, wrapping his arms around you

"Baby, I'm getting sweaty" you pleaded.

He lifted his head," so? I don't see your point here."


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