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Okay so this one is in the POV like part 29. I like the way it's written and layed out a lot more than the rest of the imagines.

I feel like all my boyfriend and I do recently is fight.

I'm in his room and and he's angrily pacing in front of me.

"I can't make it anymore clear than I already have." He snaps." It's just not the same. I don't feel the same."

"So that's it. You wanna end a two year relationship because you're not feeling it anymore?"

I'm just waiting for him to admit the truth, hoping he has the decency to at least admit what he's done.

"Yeah. I can't help how I feel. There's not much else to say." He stands in front of me.

"You know, I would've thought you were a man enough to tell me you like my best friend." I stand up and push him back a few steps. " That you slept with my best friend."

He stutters and I laugh. It's either I laugh or I cry.

"Come on, you couldn't have possibly thought I wouldn't find out." It's not like he was trying to hide it.

I move to leave but he grabs my wrists. " hey let's talk about it for a second."

He sure has some nerve. I bring my knee up and kick him where it hurts. "Enjoy that, you two-timing piece of shit."

I shut his bedroom door and lean against it, letting out a breath.

"You could do so much better anyway." I look up to see his older brother leaning against his door frame.


"He treated you like crap."

It hurts to admit it but he did. His brother walks over to me and cups my face.

"Wanna know how to make him hurt?" His voice is low.


"Sleep with me."
Finally!!!! I wrote something better. I'm done with writers block. I hope you like this one because it took so long to come up with.


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