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I decided to write this one in a different point of view. So lemme know what you think about it.

I lay on the couch reading when my apartment door slams open and my boyfriend stumbles in.

He's absolutely shit-faced drunk.

I watch him struggle to take off his shoes and then give up, flinging them off of his feet.

"You okay, babe?" I call out.

He screams. I scream. He screams again. I scream again.

"Why are you screaming?" I scream

"You scared me! Who sits in the dark like that, you physico!" He presses a hand to his chest, trying to calm his racing heartbeat.

"How much have you had to drink?" I ask as he stumbles over and falls on top of me, sighing dramatically.

He lifts his head off my chest and pinched his index finger and thumb together. "This much. I'm such a wightleight."

"You mean lightweight?" He sighs and rolls his eyes, clearly thinking I'm the idiot here.

"Miss me while I was gone?" He asks, staring into my eyes. He grins when I nod and points to his lips. "Kiss, baby."

I press a soft kiss to his lips and then he lifts my sweater , and hides underneath, his face pressed against my stomach. "This is my favorite place ever. Right here. I just wanna stay here forever and ever."

He kisses my stomach and my heart melts. He the sweetest drink ever.

"Love me forever, baby?" His voice is muffled.

"Always." He makes it so easy to love him.

I am so In love with this one 😭 I really enjoyed coming up with this one. It's really cute and fluffy.


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