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Jerry's party was everything they had hoped for. They arrived at green gables in time so seen jerry from afar entering the barn. The four friends moved as quickly and soundless as they could past the barn and into the house. They found Marilla in the kitchen already starting to arrange the table.

"Oh finally. I thought I was going to have to surprise Jerry all by myself" said Marilla with a smile before properly greeting Anne and her guests. " Come on, come on we don't have all day. Cole be a dear and set the table would you?"
"Of course Miss Cuthbert"
"Anne go get biscuits and some jelly from the pantry"
"On it!"
"Diana dear you know your way around the house well enough. Go to Anne's room and grab the presents, please. They are on top of the bed."
"On it"

"Can I help in any way?"
"Yes of course. Your mother brought the cake this morning its in here can you help me set it up? "Yes sure"

"The four friends and Marilla worked swiftly and had everything ready by the time Matthew poked his head trow the door."Should I tell Jerry to come in? Is everything ready?"

"Yes, Matthew go get the boy. But, don't tell him anything. Tell him only that I made biscuits and that he can come in to eat some."


Marilla stood next to the door and the 4 friends made an effort to try and hide behind the table the best they could. Once jerry walked to the door behind Mr. Cutbeth they all screamed "surprise".

"Wow, is all this for me?"

"Yep, we organized ourselves and prepared the best birthday you have ever had. Or At least we hope it is" answered Anne.

"I-I don't know what to say. I dint thought you would remember. Really, merci."

They ate until they were completely full. Marilla took a basket and put most of the leftovers including the cake in it for Jerry to take to his family and celebrate with them too. And after a couple of hours, They said their goodbyes and headed home.


The whole next day was pretty uneventful. The classes proceeded as they always did. The teacher would speak. They would listen. She with talk to Ruby next to her. ANd smile proudly every time Anne got a question right. And more often than they would both like to admit Beatrice would exchange small, quick glances at Billy throughout the day. And like every day she would at least once look his way to find the boy already staring at her. She would look at him and find him already looking at her. then he would smirk and she would turn pink and look forwards again smiling to herself. Beatrice only got a chance to speak to Billy at the end of the day while she was getting ready to leave.

"Bye Anne. Oh, and please tell Marilla that the biscuits yesterday were magnificent and that my mom asked for the recipe. Bye!"

"Are you sure you don't want to stay and have fun rather than walk home alone for no reasonable reason?"

"I'm dreadfully sorry Billy. I really am. But I told a million times now. I have dance lessons today. And I simply can't miss them."

"I don't understand what you see in running around in tights that can be better than being with your friends. That's just stupid."

"Well, I'm sorry if you think my hobbies are stupid. But ballet is more than running around in tights Billy. I'm not sure I can even put it into words but it is truly magic." By the end of her sentence, she had already put on her jacket and picked up her books, and was opening the door.

"If you say so" mumbled the boy dismissively. She turns around only enough to see the boy while still holding the door open ready to leave.

"This Christmas we are presenting a small recital introducing the school panto. I hope that when you see us on the stage you change your stubborn mind" she told him smiling. And her smile alone forced a smile out of him too.

"Fine. Have a nice class then" They waved their goodbyes still whit smiles on their faces that didn't seem to want to leave so soon.

༄✫ᵗʰᵉ 𝐀𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕✫༄   //  Billy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now