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At lunch, all the girls and Cole sat outside under a tree while the boys played nearby.
"I really like what you did to your hair" Anne said
"Yes, me too. It looks really pretty" Cole agreed
"Thank you. My brother and sister did it but I don't think Mr. Phillips liked it that much" Beatrice said with a playful smile and they all laughed. Earlier that day some of the flowers fell and their teacher through a tantrum because her "inappropriate hairstyle" was making a mess in his classroom.
He just didn't make her leave the classroom because the boys started to laugh at his infantile behavior.
"Trixie" Jane called when they got up to enter the classroom again "I am having a tea party at my house tomorrow with some of the girls and they will sleep there after. I was wondering if you wanted to come too."
"Of course I would love it Jane" "Great! Be there tomorrow at four"


"Mother? Jane has invited me for tea tomorrow at her house and also to sleep there after it. Can I please go?"
"Of course my child. If you don't have any school work to finish..."
"As I don't"
"Alright, then you can go. Just make sure you get enough sleep because Saturday you must go to Charlottetown and enroll in the ballet classes for this year"
"I will mother. Do you know when the classes get started?"
"In fact I do. They started Tuesday and you must attend all of them. That means all Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays of the year"
"Thank you mother" Beatrice hugged her mother and they both smiled knowing how much dancing meant to the girl.


"Good afternoon Mrs. Andrews"
"Good afternoon Beatrice. Jane and the rest are in the living room, please come in"
Billy was in the middle of the staircase when he heard who was at the door and ran back upstairs.
All evening he avoided the living room and the giggles coming from there and spent most of his time in his room trying to focus on schoolwork.
As the day went by and the moon replaced the sun the girls moved upstairs to Jane's room.
Now the giggles were even louder and more annoying. Billy knocked on his sister's door with an annoyed look in his face. He just wanted some peace and quiet.
"Yes? Billy?! Do you need anything?"
Oh great of course the girl that he was desperately avoiding had to be the one opening the door.
"Ah, yes actually I do. Could you all please shut up? I'm trying to sleep"
"Go away, Billy!" Jane said annoyed with her brother's interruption
"Yes Billy," Josie said "we are trying to have some quality time without the ugly orphan and all her impossible words"
Beatrice tensed up. And Billy noticed. For a moment he thought that not even her could face Josie but then she spoke up. She didn't want to start an argument and ruin her friend's party but in the order hand she couldn't forgive herself if she didn't defend Anne
"You just think her words are impossible because you can seem to understand them Josie" she replied with a smile. Josie often used her smile to cover all the mean things she says. Two could play that game.
"Well, maybe you understand them because you spend to much time with the freaks. If you are not careful you will turn into one soon enough."
"Josie that was not a very nice thing to say" Ruby said trying to defend her friends
"I am truly sorry Josie that you think that the world revolves around you and all your shallowness because one day you will wake up and realize that it doesn't. And that's when your world will fall apart."
Billy decided that that was his queue to leave and so he closed the door and went back to his room. Her words echoing in his head. The girl's argument did not stop there tho and he could still hear it.
"My shallowness?" she said with disbelief in her face "Yes! You think that all that matters in this life is if you are beautiful and meet the standards. But the truth is that one day you will wake up next to a boring husband in your ordinary house living a boring housewife life!" The other girls only stood there gazing between the two girls.
"That's where your wrong Di Angelo. I will wake up next to my wealthy husband living a great life. When we're will you be? Oh! I know dancing for a living! Perhaps married to that farm boy of yours" Josie laughs as if what she said was the funnier thing ever
"Leave Jerry out of this he is my friend" in fact she was the first friend the boy made when he came to Avonlea. That often talked about their life's in Europe and how different it was.
"Let me tell you something, Beatrice. You might even get married since your not that unpleasant to look at but if you don't get your head out of the clouds, take those stupid flowers of your hair and start living in the real world you are the one who will fall apart"
Before storming out Beatrice could hear Josie's voice mumble a soft "It's easier if you just accept it"

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