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Tuesday went by painfully slow for Anne, Cole, and Beatrice since they were all excited for school to end so they could go and buy Jerry his gifts. After classes, they said their goodbyes to their friends and left. Beatrice sent one last hurt look towards Billy whom this time was already staring at her and hold the gaze for a mere second before looking away continuing to talk to his friends even though his mind wasn't entirely in the conversation.

The first stop of the trip was at Beatrice's house where she gathered her ballet shoes and clothes and did her hair while her mother prepared some food for them to eat on the way and chatted with the two friends that were waiting in the kitchen.Then they left and once they arrived at the busy street where all the shops where Anne and Cole went to buy a book and a hat for Jerry. Beatrice made her way to the theater where the classes were held and also where the Christmas Panto was going to take place along with the dance recital on Christmas Eve.


The next morning arrived at the Di Angelo household peacefully to contrast with Beatrice's controversial feelings: wanting to stay in bed so she wouldn't have to see Billy's stupid face and could stay hidden from his hurtful words and wanting to go to school as fast as possible so the day would end and she could finally enjoy Jerry's birthday with him. She eventually decided that if she wanted to make this day super special for Jerry- which she did- she should probably wake up her siblings or there wouldn't be any time to bake the cake before school. So, she rapidly got dressed and fixed her hair before running down the hallway to get her siblings. 

To say that they were excited to bake a cake is an understatement. These kids could stay hours in the kitchen with flour all over, well, everything and it would be the highlight of their day. After making a mess in the kitchen and having their mom yell at them in Italian Trixie quickly kissed her mother and siblings goodbye and left in a quick passe. She was so caught up in her own thoughts about how Jerry would react to the cake and the presents that she only realized something was wrong when instead of walking swiftly through the morning air she bumped into it.

" Seriously Di Angelo do you ever see where you're going?" complained Billy to the extremely confused young lady standing in front of him so closely that he could spot the smudge of flour in her cheek.
"Well, I do. Sometimes. But the only time I ever bump into people is when they aren't supposed to be in my way" she replied with a fake smile while rapidly moving past the boy in hopes to continue her way to school without having to deal with him and his constantly switching moods.
"Are you really just going to leave? My sisters are ill but I came to escort you to school anyway. You could at least not turn your back on me" "I'm fairly certain that I did not ask you to accompany me to school"
"Exactly, that's why you should be thanking me - explained Billy while walking quickly behind her trying to catch up with the girl who was still walking away from him- Because I did it without you even asking. Because it was the right thing to do. Because I wanted to"

She abruptly stooped and turned to her side to face the boy who had been trying to make her look at him while walking by her side. "Well, thank you for accompanying me to school against my will. Now please, if you could stay silent for the rest of the way it would be marvelous. And if you remember something else that you would like to throw at my face to make me feel bad, don't"

She kept on walking.Always looking ahead. Wishing she could just say some magic word that would make the day skip to the part she actually wanted to happen. And the boy next to her walked the whole way to school with his gaze fixed on the ground for the first time since he was able to remember.

Hi evreyone, I am so so sorry for not updating in ages but school is finally over so I can start writting again! Thank you to everyone who has been reading and voting for my story. I see you and I apreciatte you. <3

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