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"So have you given any thought to my proposition? I understand it has hardly passed any time since I have disclosed my intentions but I am in dying need of an answer." Anthony spoke quickly while leading Beatrice out of the theater. She thought he looked extremely tired. Not as if he had run a long distance but as if he hadn't slept well in a while.  He moved his hand to massage his temples and sighed. "Somehow my parents found out that I proposed and now are being even more insistent than before. I could really use some good news."

She felt bad for him, she really did. She wanted desperately to help him and if it weren't for Billy she probably would have accepted the offer right away. " I am deeply sorry but I do not have an answer for you yet, Anthony." She sighed in an attempt to gather her thoughts "You have been nothing but truthful to me so I feel I owe you the same treatment. I am not in love with you Anthony and you are not in love with me, that is a fact. And yet I know that love matches are a rarity and so I am, truly, taking your offer into consideration. But I do love someone and I know that I could never truly live in peace with myself if I were to marry you before I was to speak my truth to him."

"I completely understand. And I hope you know that I do not mean to distress you nor do I wish you nothing but happiness."  "I know"  "And-" The sound of Billy's heavy footsteps reached them at the same time as his voice "Stop! Don't say another word." 

"Billy? What in God's name are you doing?" the girl interjected. "Billy? Is this the young man you were speaking of?" Anthony asked confusion showing in his eyebrows. "You can not say yes to this" Billy continued 

"What? How-" 

"Diana told me everything. Please tell me you did not accept this stupid proposal"

"It is not a stupid proposal Billy..." 

"Yes, it is! It is a stupid proposal that does not make any Goddamn sense. Alright? It does not make sense and it is not fair" 

"Billy please calm down-"

"It is not fair. You do not have the right to insert yourself in my life and make me fall in love with you just so you can marry some other idiot and move across the ocean! You do not get to make me feel alive for the first time in my life, to make me yearn for you, to make me hate every second I spend away from to just to leave me when I need you most" The boy spoke with such emotion she could hardly believe he was really Billy. 

Their minds were racing and their hearts were beating so fast and so loud that if you tried you could hear the beat in sync through the silence that echoed around them. 

"What do you want me to say, Billy?"

"I want you to look him in the eyes and say no" Another pause. Another deep breath "I want you to take my hand and hold it until the day I die." He admitted softly as he reached for her hand. It was cold from the cold outside and it contrasted with his warm one. " I want to court you properly as you deserve. I want to ask your father for his blessing. " He takes a step forward making himself tower a little over her but always looking in her eyes. "I want to get down on one knee and ask you to spend your life with me and I want to hear you say yes. Not because you have to but because you love me. I know I do not deserve you. And I probably never will. But if it means I get to spend my life with you I swear to God I will spend the rest of my days making myself worthy of you. So please..."

It probably felt like forever for everyone involved in this discussion. But the truth is that it did not take Beatrice more than 5 seconds to squeeze Billy's hand, smile, and turn to Anthony. "I am incredibly sorry Anthony, but I am afraid I will have to decline your offer. As kind as it was." 

"I understand" he nodded. "I am sorry if I caused any trouble at all. Have a good night, both of you" He nodded his farewell and turned around to walk back inside. "Wait" Billy called out "What did you say your name was?" "Anthony. Anthony Hughes" "Mr. Hughes, may I ask what is your opinion on women getting an education in college?" Billy asked "Well, I believe that education is one of the greatest gifts humanity possesses and everyone should be able to get one if they desire" The older young man answered confused. "Fantastic, then I believe you would rather enjoy meeting my sister Prissy" Billy responded with a smile.

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