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Billy's excitement for the games that afternoon vanished before he stopped being able to follow the girl's silhouette at the distance. But he had already promised everyone that he would stay and backing out now would be suspicious. The last thing he needed was for everyone to think he liked Bea. Sure she was nice to him. More than everyone was really. And sure she had a smile that could light up the cloudyest of day. And every time they talked he had to try really hard to actually hear the words coming out of her perfectly shaped lips instead of loosing himself in the hazel forest that were her eyes. But still, his friends had no business knowing anything about it.

"Billy! Are you even listening?" whined Josie. He came back from his private thoughts to find the girl squeezing his arm and pulling at him.

"Come on, silly. We have a kissing game to start and we don't have all day." He was still only halfway back from his thoughts so he followed Josie next to the others a little googly.

The game went as expected. Everyone pinning over Diana, jokes being thrown around about Anne and Cole and Anne putting out a show. Again, pretty common. Then Josie spun the bottle and it landed on him. It took him a second to realize what was about to happen. "Are we really doing this?" "Well of course we are," she said we a smile that quickly transformed into a half-mocking half-hurt look "unless you don't want to. Is that the case?"

It was like the world started spinning but at the same time was moving in slow motion. His mind started racing whit scenarios and a voice in his head kept pushing say something Billy they're waiting. They'll think your crazy. Say something right now before they start laughing at you. Because you know that that's the end if they-

"No. Uh, of course I do. Just making sure everyone was ready for the kiss of the year" he managed to put out along whit a fake smile. Fake smiles were a common thing. So common and so well practiced that at this point it was praticly impossible for his friends to pick up on then.

And so they kissed. And the moment he sat back down he knew this had been a bad idea.


He was waiting for her. His sisters were chatting but he was not regesting a word coming out of their mounts. It was stupid, it made no sense for him to be this nervous. He did nothing wrong. It was a kiss, it meant nothing, and they weren't even dating. So why did he felt so bad? The moment she saw her stepping out of the house his mind turned into a battle field.

One side fought bravely to convince him to tell her. It was not a big deal. Just, drop it in conversation when she asks about the game and explain that it meant nothing. She deserves to know. However, the other said being it the one that usually took home the thropy fought loudly for him to just keep quiet. Don't say a thing. If she asks just say it was great and that you had a great time even if she wasnt there. You can't have her thinking she has any effect on you. Because she doenst.

But she does. And that alone was enough for him to make up his mind.

"So did everyone enjoyed themselves yesterday? Again I am sorry I could not stay. I really wanted to." They were already halfway there and Jane and Prissy had started to chat about something that happened at home that morning so she was only speaking to him. "It was alright I guess. Moody kissed Diana, that was fun. Oh, it was a kissing game" he explained after she gave him a very confused look. She nooded and he proceeded to list al the people that had kissed and explaining how it went. They could already see the school when she asked "Did you kiss anyone?" He know that if he took too long to answer he would be able to, so he just went for it. "Yes. I- I kissed Josie" after a moment she offered her reply "Oh, I see" five more steeps and we will be there she thought no more awkward conversation. please, God, someone call my name. As if sent from heaven Anne shouted for her to come talk to her and she started to move towards her leaving Billy behind following her whit his eyes.

Well that went great he thought as he made is way to his friends

༄✫ᵗʰᵉ 𝐀𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕✫༄   //  Billy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now