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𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 the girls woke up with the sun shining through Jane's bedroom window there was no tension left in the air. It was often like this between the girls they would fight one day and be best friends the next one.
They got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast.
"Did everyone had fun last night? And did you all sleep well?" Mrs. Andrews questioned
"Yes, it was really fun" Tillie said and all the girls agreed. "Yes and really loud. I could barely hear myself think!" Billy protested
"Like you think, Billy" Jane replied and the girls muffed they're giggling aside from Beatrice who just smiled sweetly.
"Thank you, Mrs. and Mr. Andrews, for the hospitality but I really have to go. I am expected in Charlottetown and I can't be late."
"Of course my dear, punctuality is indispensable." Mrs. Andrews said.
She waved to the girls and smiled at Billy but he didn't meet her gaze nor said goodbye.

The trip to Charlottetown was normal she saw her friend at the dance studio signed her enrollment in her regular ballet class and by sunset, she was back home helping her mother with dinner. Of course, every time she stopped and put her mind at ease the only thing she could think of was Billy and the night before. She was so confused, as she should because Billy was always unbearable to be around but that night he showed kindness. But the worst part wasn't even that, all she wanted to do was go straight to Cole, Anne, and Diana and tell them everything. But obviously, she couldn't because it would be really disrespectful and unthoughtful seeing Billy caused them so much pain through the years. She couldn't tell Jane for obvious reasons and Ruby, her best friend, eventually would let it slip unintentionally. Tillie wasn't really close to her and Josie was out of the question. So she was all alone with her incoherent feelings, lost like a boat in a foggy day, and no one to help her see through the mist.

Sunday went by smoothly, like the calm before the storm.

The girl had an idea and after seeing Billy in church and not even been greeted again, she rode with the Cuthberts wanting to see Jerry who was working on a Sunday so that Wednesday he could skip since it was his birthday.

"And then he put his arm around me and we just stayed there."
"I don't understand -" "Oh tell me about it" "I mean I don't know him that well but for what I have heard he isn't very nice" "That's why I'm so confused! And he didn't even look at me when I said goodbye" "Well I don't know what you want me to say." "Arghh... Just... I don't know, make me feel better!" "Sorry, I don't know how!" "You know, for a best friend you aren't very helpful" she said with a smile. He laughed and soon the topic changed and they talked until Jerry's break was over. She left happier than she came but not more enlightened.

The following day was Monday and the Andrews would probably meet Beatrice on the way to school and she decided that she would thank Billy and leave the topic alone. She couldn't bring herself to believe that he would want to be friends with her. She knows how people like him are, right now more than anything he was embarrassed about what he did. Even if he wanted to be friends he would never admit it. And she wouldn't force him to. She was ready to try and be friends but only if he was too.


Sorry for not updating I just wasn't feeling it but I will start writing more often. Also, the chapter was bad sorry :')

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