Chapter 1 - New Home

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Oh, in this you are 14 - same goes for Coraline and Wybie

Your POV

I stare out of the car's mucky window, my sister's head resting on my lap as she slept. We have been driving for at least 2 hours now, and god was it boring. The whole journey has been silent, no talking from our parents, just the sound of gravel and mud underneath the tires. 

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is (Y/n) Jones, and I'm Coraline's big sister. Our parents are... "Busy" a lot of the time, Coraline and I don't really spend much time with them unfortunately. We had to relocate due to an issue I had at school, as I was expelled.

Coraline was beyond pissed when we heard the news, as she had to leave her friends behind. So we had to move state in hopes that I will be accepted into a new school, me and Coraline. Money has been tight lately, so we all hope that the catalog mother and father have been working on will be accepted.

I glance up out of the window and gaze at our new house, the Pink Palace, and boy was it pink alright. Well, a sick shade of pink. The apartment is huge, the outside paint was peeling and chipping away from the past years. 

On the roof was this.. blue.. man? Thing? He was doing some stretches, I was surprised he didn't slip off the roof, as it looked so slippery, not to mention the weather was cold and wet. I watched as he walked away and front-flipped off the other side.

"Hey, Cory, wake up. We're here" I shook her shoulder softly, earning a groggy groan from her. She shrugged my hand off her shoulder as she yawned, her nose scrunching up in a tired frown. 

"Ugh.. 5 more minutes..." She whispered, a few strands of her dark blue hair slipped from behind her ear and grazed her face. The car slowed down as mother looked for somewhere (that wasn't covered with puddles) to park. I rolled my eyes slightly. 

"Wake up you moron, we gotta unpack and shit"

"(Y/n), watch your language" my mother said, her voice was monotone and bland. Coraline sat up and stretched her arms, earning a few bones to crack and pop. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and observed her surroundings out if the car window

"For a palace, you'd expect it to be a little bit more lively" Coraline stated, gazing at the apartment with an uninterested stare. 

"But it's big, isn't it? Don't you kids like big houses these days?" Dad asked with his usual up-beat tone

"Yeah but this ain't the type of place you'd spend your holiday in; no pool, no beach, no nothing!" Coraline answered

"This is America, sweetie. Not Hawaii" Father replied, I noticed mom give dad a disappointed glare, I couldn't help but snicker at how dumb he is.

"Anyway, grab something and bring it into the house. The movers will be here tomorrow" Mother instructed, so we did. I grabbed my suitcase and laptop and jogged into the house. As I kicked open the front door, my nose immediately scrunched up at the sour stench.  

It smelt damp and had a depressing atmosphere, everything's grey and dull, there was no life whatsoever. The thin layer of paint curled down the walls, revealing some old wallpaper from the past use. Coraline ran past me, budging my shoulder in the process

"I'm getting top-bunk!" She hollered, the pitter-patter of feet echoed throughout the stairwell. I grinned and chased after her, with my luggage in hand. The ancient floor boards creaked and groaned underneath us.

We barged into a room which contained two nightstands, a bunk bed and a fireplace. The room was pretty empty. I placed my suitcase next to my bed and rested my laptop on the sheets.

"Aaw, are you jealous because I get top-bunk?" Coraline asked sarcastically, stretching out her words with her bottom lip quivering. 

"Hey, we all know that the eldest sibling gets top. So get your ass down and let's switch" I replied, hands on my hip as I glared at her

"Mm, yeaahh.. no." I climbed up the ladder and before I got my hands on her, we heard our parents calling for us downstairs. She gave me a smirk and stuck her tongue at me, I glared at her. We both climbed back down, going to see what mom and dad wanted. Hopefully it was dinner, I'm starving.

Time skip

It was now dark outside, and the weather hadn't changed a bit. The thick clouds guarded the moon, not a single ray of light seeped into the night sky. Not to mention, dinner didn't make the place anymore bright either. On today's menu was some cold cans of beans and meatballs. Yay.

After what felt like hours of an unsocial, quiet dinner, me and Coraline decided to go to our room. She sat on her bunk, eyes glued to her phone and texting her friends, I decided to play a bit of Team Fortress 2.

"That asshole is definitely using some shitty aimbot, fucking Sniper bots." I grumbled, as I died once again. I sat back and waited to respawn, brewing up a convo with my lil' sister.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"No clue, hopefully the weather will be good to do some gardening" My sister loves gardening, always has done. Unlike me, she prefers to be outdoors and do something, instead of spending time in font of a screen every minute of the day.

"What flowers you got?" I asked, she swung upside down over the bunk to look at me

"Packed some tulips, daffodils- Oh! I also have some strawberry seeds!" She exclaimed excitedly, I smiled and she swung back up on her bed. I felt myself weaken and my eye lids droop, yet I remained strong and continued on with my match.

After I demolished everyone on the opposite team and finished, I closed my laptop and placed it on the ground and swept it under the bed. I cracked my bones while stretching and relaxed back into the bed. I felt sleep overtake me as my eyes closed shut, and I faded into a world of darkness

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