Chapter 10 - The Other World (part 2)

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I entered the living room and noticed a blue haired girl sitting at the table, she was playing with some white mice

"Cory!" I grinned at her, she waved with a small smile on her face"

"Hi, (Y/n)! Why didn't you wake me?"

"Well.. I- I don't know! I saw some mice so I followed them to see if we had an infestation or something, I didn't expect to see this" I explained

"Ah, Coraline. Nice of you to join u-" She was cut off with a loud scream from my sister as she jumped back, knocking the chair over in the process.

"Your eyes!"

"I know, right? Don't they look great? Anyway, I bet you're hungry. You are just in time, could you be a dear and help (Y/n) set up the table?" Coraline gave me a hesitant side glance, I just shrugged and went to grab some cutlery. She grabbed some napkins and folded then richly.

We prepared the table in silence, though I could not tell if it was a normal, comfortable silence or an awkward, tense type of silence. The only noise was the little squeaks of the mice and our other father's gentle humming.

I thought about this place while I assorted the knives and forks - so far this place seemed amazing, the food smelled delicious, our "parents" were bright and happier, willing to spend their time with us, everything seemed perfect. Maybe too perfect.

"Alright kids, come sit down!" Mother called out as she brought a platter of chicken to the table, Coraline and I sat together at the end of the table. We put our hands together and said our grace for our dinner, not really something we did back in our real world, but it's not a big deal.

"We thank our God and ask to bless, our mothers golden.." He trailed off, before finishing with a smirk

"Chicken breast!" This made Mother snicker and wave her hand. I couldn't lie, that did tickle me.

"Well, dig in!" She clasped her hands together, so we all tore into our chicken with grins on our faces. Holy shit, this food is fucking great! The meat was moist and tender, but it was missing something..

"Do you have any gravy?"

"Why of course! Here comes the gravy train - choo choo!" She giggled as a toy train circled around the plates on the table, landing in between Cory and I. The spring lifted the small jug and tilted it towards our plates, pouring itself over the meat. I smiled at the little train


"You girls are hungry, aren't you?" Mother stated as she entwined her fingers with one another, Coraline nodded while stuffing her face with some vegetables

"Yeah, mom and dad cook a load of dookie back in our world"

"So we choose not to eat, I don't blame the quality of the meals on them, not their fault money's tight at the moment." I explained, feeling a little bad at the fact I got us both kicked out of school - therefore being forced to move

"Twins finishing eachother's sentences, I love that!" The Other Mother grinned, Coraline was about to correct her, but I held her back from doing so. If she was our own Other parent, then how does she not know that we aren't twins? This seems a little fishy

"Yeah, twins.." I agreed, feeling a little unease at the statement. Sure it was a minor mistake, but in reality it proves she doesn't know jack shit about us. Odd, I knew this shit was off from the start.

The dinner continued to be memorable, in a way. Coraline and I tore through the food as if it was a mere snack, smiles gracing our faces at the amazing flavors. We were treated to a cake when dinner was finished, a delicious, gooey chocolate layer cake. 

The frosting in between the slices of  chocolate sponge were ordered in a rainbow color. The top layer was red and to the bottom was a lavender shade of purple. The fondant was soft and not chewy like some, having the right texture. The words "Welcome Home" was written on the cake.

"We've been waiting for you, (Y/n), Coraline" Mother stated, her buttons for eyes seemed to shine like her smile as she spoke. Her toothy grin was almost unsettling

"For us?" I rose an eyebrow

"Wasn't the same here without you, kids" Father replied, Coraline spoke as chocolate crumbs fell from her mouth

"I didn't know I had another mother"

"Of course you do, everyone does!"

"Really? I questioned, she just nodded with a hum

"And soon as you're through eating, I thought we'd play a game"

"Hide-and-seek?" Coraline suggested

"Perfect! Hide-and-seek in the rain"

"What rain?" I asked, until I heard heavy thunder and rain pitter-patter against the glass window

"What about the mud?"

"We love mud here!" Dad expressed with a fondness

"Mud facials, mud baths, mud pies.. it's great for poison oak"

"How'd you know I..." Coraline held her hand close to her chest, staring at the Mother with a puzzling look

"We'd love to play, but we should get home to our other mother" I told her, my hand on Coraline's shoulder to signal our leave

"But I'm your other mother"

"I mean our other, other mother"

"Mom number one?" Coraline spoke, before yawning loudly

"I think I should get to bed" she stated with a stretch, Mother made her way over to her and guided her upstairs

"Of course, sweetheart. It's all made up"

"But-" I was cut off as Father escorted me as well

"Come along, sleepyhead"

Mother opened the door to our shared bedroom, and it was a paradise. Coraline gasped as her eyes shimmered like stars, gazing at her bunk and everything that was meant to appease her. I on the other hand, ogled at my bunk.  On my night stand was a picture that was taken at the beginning of the school year.

It was a group picture of me and my crew, grinning mischievously at the camera and standing next to the principals broken office window. I giggled, lost in my own thoughts as I thought back to the days at my old school.

The Other Mother applied some mud to Coraline's poison oak rash, spreading it evenly to cover it's entirety. Cory thanked her and got comfy under the covers. Mother kissed my forehead gently as I felt my eyes droop.

"See you soon..."

Wybie Lovat  x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now