Chapter 11 - Uniform

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Your POV

"It was incredibly real, Mom! Only you weren't really you, your were my Other Mother" Coraline explained to our parents while eating some cereal.

"Buttons for eyes, huh? Coraline, you only dreamed you ate all that chicken. Take your multivitamin at least"  

"But (Y/n) was there too! I know it's real"

"You were there too, Dad. You had wild pajamas and these orange monkey slippers." I commented, he chuckled and turned to me

"Orange? My monkey slippers are blue! Psst, can you get me some of that magic mud your sister was talking about? Because I have a terrible case of writer's rash on my-" He was cut off with a stern glare from Mother and her disruptive cough.

"Ahem!" I snickered at this exchange

"If the real Charlie Jones wants his pages edited he better wrap them up ASAP" She stated, giving him a glare as he walked out of the room with his coffee. Mother turned to us and handed me some cash

"(Y/n), take Coraline and yourself to buy your uniforms for school. Your Father and I are busy so we can not take you. And if you spend the money on trash or junk food then I will whoop your behinds 'til they turn to leather, understood?"

"Yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes, placing my dishes in the sink and heading to my room to change.

"Get ready, Cory. We're heading into town"

Time Skip

The journey to the shop was wet and muddy, the asphalt paving reflected the head lights of cars. We entered the shop with a sigh, the place was much warmer than outside. The glass window was foggy and covered in a sheet of mist as the polar opposite temperatures collided

We observed the room and I turned to Coraline

"Ight, you check that side of the room for this uniform. I'll check this side, okay?" I pulled out my phone and showed a picture of the uniform to her, she nodded with a thumbs up and went to the direction I pointed. I turned to study my chosen side, but my jaw fell slightly

"Wybie?" The familiar dark haired boy turned to me, his hazel eyes locked onto mine. He smiled warmly and made his way over, wearing the exact uniform we were looking for. He looked very attractive..

"Hi, here to get fitted?" My cheeks heated up and I nodded quickly, feeling a bit flustered

"Yep, n-nice to know we will be going to the same place" I commented, his eyes had a split second of a foreign emotion. Like he was taken back by my answer. I walked past him and studied the uniforms. I would be needing a skirt, shirt, tie, and a blazer. Socks/tights I could get at the other clothing shop.

"Do you know what form tutor you have?" He asked, watching me as I examined through the racks for a correct size

"Eh.. I think it's Mr. Higglesworth or something"

"Me too!" He exclaimed with a wide toothy grin, which suddenly fell

"Oh, does that mean the Crazy Witch will be in our tutor too? 'Cause she's your sister" I nodded, flinging some clothes onto my shoulder and heading to the changing room. I heard him sigh and I couldn't help but smile lightly.

Wybie's POV

I watched her as she walked away and into a changing room stall, I played with my tie as I stood there awkwardly.

"You smell like shit" I heard a female voice speak to me, looking forward and noticing the blue-haired devil herself

"I should've thought you were here when I smelt fish, which is funny because the nearest beach is 86 miles away" I retorted with a slight smirk, earning a low growl from her as she scowled. She tried to get past me so I moved in front of her, blocking her from reaching the clothes hanging on the railings

"Move your fat ass out of the way, I'm trying to get my uniform" 

"Nah" I shrugged while folding my arms across my chest

"Bruh" She sighed and moved to the side, I shuffled the same direction. Suddenly her fingers wrapped around some curls in my hair and she yanked me to the side, I hissed in pain and gripped my head, which was now throbbing

"And stop flirting with my sister" I was taken back from that statement, choking on my breath

"F-flirting?! Can't a guy have a female friend?"

"You don't look at her as a friend"

"Yes I do!"

"Mmhmm, yeah I'm sure" her voice laced with sarcasm as she moved clothe hangers to the side, looking for the right size

"The extra large blazers are that way" I told her with a smirk, she turned around and smacked me on the shoulder

"Cory, leave him alone" I turned around to see (Y/n), changed into the uniform of our school. I admit, she did look really pretty like that.

"He called me fat!"

"Is he wrong?" She smirked, I coughed suddenly trying to cover up my laugh. Coraline scowled at her sister and she just giggled.

"Get your uniform and go to the fitting room, I've got what I need" (Y/n) told her, she followed the instruction, leaving us alone once more

"So, school tomorrow. You excited?" I asked her

"Eh, having to wake up at 7 in the fucking morning isn't really my forte. What about you?" I chuckled, scratching the nape of my neck.

"Yeah, me too.. so like, do you want to walk to school together? It's okay if n-"

"I would like that" she smiled. She looked past me and saw Coraline come out from the changing rooms

"I'll see you later then, P-Peach.." I mumbled, my cheeks feeling warm

"See you tomorrow, Wybie" she smiled, ruffling my hair as she walked away and to the counter. I watched her as she paid for the uniforms.

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