Front row seat

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Hm~ Hm~ Hm~

Vit hum quietly while lying down and listening to the music from his headphone.

Today the weather is quite good, not too hot, not too cold, just the right temperature.

Although the state of the city is pretty much in ruin, if the weather is good you should enjoy it.

Hm~ Hm~ Hm~


The sound of an explosion interrupts his carefree mood.

He picks up his binoculars and looks at the area where the explosion occurred.

He can see two forces fighting with each other, one wearing an orange armband while the other is wearing a black uniform with a blue highlight.

"Reunion and Rhodes Island huh"

He has been seeing them in this area for the past few days. Don't know what they up to but he's doesn't care.

"Looks pretty fun"

Although he says that he has no reason to join in their conflict.

He loves to watch stuff from far away, whether it's a movie, concert, birds, people argue with each other, he just loves to watch how the situation will turn out. People might call him weird but that is just how he is.

"Oh, looks like Rhodes is having a little trouble"

Reunion keeps pressuring them with their sheer number forcing Rhodes Island to slowly retreat.

A few Rhodes Island soldier stands between their friends and foe, killing anyone who approaches them. Among them, a catgirl equipped with a chainsaw seems to stand out among her colleague.

"That cat with the chainsaw is pretty badass"

He can't help but compliment her, Her comrade is not bad compared to her, but she definitely is something else. 

She slices through the wave of Reunion like a knife through butter. The Reunion tries to stop her by attacking her in a group but she's not slowing down at all. She's a monster.

"If only I have something to eat or drink"

He already finishes every snack and drinks he brought with him already, so he can only lick his lip in a sour mood.

Just when he thought the situation would stay like this for a few minutes, A big Reunion soldier equipped with a weird device on its back appears from the backline and starts firing black energy at them.

The chainsaw girl dodges the incoming attack while swinging her chainsaw wildly, slicing the approaching projectile into two.

The destroyed projectile crash into the nearby building causing an explosion where the projectile landed.

The explosion caused a chain reaction making the nearby buildings fall over like a domino. 

"That's quite something alright."

Crack Crack

While busy observing the destruction of the nearby building, The building he's currently on begins to shake violently, some parts of the building start to collapse and the floor beneath him breaks apart making him fall down.

He quickly grabs the railing nearby and pulls himself up.

"That was close"

Trying to catch his breath, he looks at the place he was just standing at. If he didn't react quick enough and grab the railing he would probably fall to his death.

"And I was just in a good mood"

Having his mood ruin by not having a snack to enjoy the show and almost die from falling off the building, he picks up his gun and aims at the troublemaker.

He picks up a small rock shard from nearby and starts to concentrate, a blue energy starts to form on his and then slowly seeps into the rock shard.

He then loads that rock into the chamber and cock his gun.

"You shouldn't ruin the viewer mood you know?"

After he pulls the trigger, a trail of blue light can be seen flying across the battlefield at high speed.

It pierces through Reunion troublemaker helmet, killing them in a single hit.

Then, from the troublemaker's corpse, blue energy starts to form into a tiny sphere the same size as a football.

Vit forms a smile before forming a finger gun with his hand.

"Boom" After that word, the blue sphere explodes engulfing a nearby Reunion soldier in the blast.

Seeing that their situation has changed, The chainsaw girl screams at her comrade and they rush into the fray dealing with the remaining Reunion force. 

Having their leader get taken care of, the Reunion soldier quickly retreats from the battle.

Vit watches the scene unfold while whistling in a good mood.

Just from watching he can pretty much tell that it's already over.

(Did I interfere too much? Nah, I guess changing the result sometimes might not be that bad. Besides, that big guy definitely deserves it.)

After a few minutes passed, the situation has calm down.

Rhodes Island has succeeded in repelling the remaining Reunion force away from the area, allowing them to have enough breathing room to take care of their injured comrade.

Seeing that the situation finally ends, he shrugs a bit before starting to pack his stuff into his bagpack "I guess I should leave" 

While packing his bag, he can feel a ray of light shine on his eye.

He looks at the source of the light and sees a few Rhodes Island people waving their hands at him. The chainsaw girl also seems to shout something at him but they're too far away so he doesn't know what she's saying.

"Are they trying to talk with me?"

Vit doesn't know if they're trying to communicate with him or trying to do something else but he doesn't really care much about what they're going to do anyway.

He turns around and waves his hand in the air. "Viewer only enjoys the show from the side, so I won't communicate with you. See you guys later."

Thud Thud Thud

A sound of something behind him causing him to stop in his track.

"What the hell is that noise?"

Vit quickly turns around and looks over the railing to see something red moving between the building at high speed heading toward his location.

In just a few seconds, it reaches the building he's at and quickly sprinting up the side of the building.

"Oi! Oi! that's cheating!"

Vit quickly grabs his stuff and runs toward the rooftop door.

He never thought they would send someone to meet him, maybe he shouldn't interfere after all.

Just before he could reach the door handle, a red figure suddenly appears in front of him and knock him down.

The red figure stands on top of him looking at him rather curiously while pointing a small knife in her hand at him.

"Come with Red, Blaze wants to speak with you."

English is not my first language, so if the grammar is wrong or something doesn't make sense that just me being stupid. Anyway enjoy.

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