Rhodes Island

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After a long ride from Chernobog, they finally arrived at Rhodes Island.

It was a huge Landship roughly around the same size as a small nomadic city.

Vit has heard of this place before but he never thought it would be this big.

As they approach Rhodes Island, a number of drones flew from Rhodes Island and follow the truck. It flew along the side of the truck with a certain distance before returning back to Rhodes Island.

Vit looks at the leaving drone curiously, wondering what its purpose is.

"They're for identification." Deepcolor who sits next to him answers his question.

"Is it really necessary to use drones for something like this?"

"We can't risk letting someone unknown enter Rhodes Island after all. This is the best measure to prevent that."

He accepts her answer and keeps looking at the approaching Landship.

He still has some questions but decides not to press any further seeing that everyone inside the truck is tired and doesn't want to be disturbed.

(But Judging that they can afford something like this then their financial situation should be pretty good.) Vit thinks of the amount of money he gonna receive for his help when they arrived.

As they reach the side of the ship, the truck slows down and stops on an elevator platform before it slowly rises up, allowing the truck to continue inside the ship.

After getting inside the ship and finding a place to park, everyone gets down from the truck and helps to unload the stuff down from the truck.

Vit also gets down and helps them in the process. Since he might get a job here, getting used to how they do things here first might not be so bad.

After finishing helping them, Vit find a place to sit nearby while waiting for Blaze who told him to wait for her while she went to report their mission result.

He wants to look around the area for a bit but considering his current position as an outsider at the moment he decides to stay still and wait patiently until Blaze comes back.

Deepcolor approaches him and looks at him in a weird manner making him call out to her, feeling uncomfortable due to her stare.

"Do you need something?"

"Not really. I'm just trying to remember your figure for my further sketch. Also, I have something for you."

Deepcolor hands him a piece of paper. He receive it without hesitation thinking it must be another sketch she made.

But instead of a sketch of himself like last time, this time it's a picture of the sea at night. He doesn't know why but just looking at the picture is enough for him to imagine the smell of the sea and the sound of the wave.

"Why did you give me this?"

He turns to ask her but when he looks up she was already gone.

Still wondering where she went, Blaze has already come back with a file in her hand.

"Follow me. I'll show you around the place."

Vit folds the sketch and puts it inside his pocket before following Blaze.

"Think quick." Blaze throws a small card toward him, Vit quickly catches it in mid-air without any problem.

"What's this?"

"A visitor pass. Most of this place requires a keycard to access so you better not lose it ok?"

"So even visitors require a pass huh?"

Vit put the keycard inside his pocket and continue to follow her.

After walking for a few minutes and taking a short elevator ride, they reach their destination.

Blaze tap the panel beside one the door with the keycard and the door slide open, showing what's inside.

It was a small room with a bit of furniture inside including a bed, closet, tv, and a refrigerator.

"This is a guest room. You'll be staying here for the time being until you officially get a job here."

"Do all visitors get to assign a room like this?"

"Not really, this one is for a long-term visitor. Rhodes personal usually share their room with each other."

"Then what about that one? Is that a special room for a certain visitor?"

Vit points at the strange-looking door in the hallway decorated with an eastern-style frame. With how big and colorful the frame is, you would be blind if you were to miss it.

"Oh...that one. Let just say that we have a strange visitor from time to time."

Blaze only gives him a wry smile.

"Well, I think you should rest for now. I'll come to pick you up again when it's time. See ya. Oh, and by the way, welcome to Rhodes Island."

After giving him a welcoming word, she quickly left the corridor and leave him alone in front of the door. Vit gets inside the room and places his belonging down before lying down on the small bed.

The softness of the bed pushes back against his body, telling him that it is made of good quality material.

It's been a while since he was able to sleep on a soft bed like this. Back in Chernobog, he have to sleep on the floor every night.

It's very hard and cold that it makes his back hurt every time he wakes up in the morning, but with some books and music to listen to he can at least bear with it.

Now that he thinks about it, he left a lot of stuff back at his hideout in Chernobog and only have his gun and backpack with him.

"I guess I can just buy a replacement later."

He sighs out a bit, feeling a little regret leaving everything else behind but it doesn't matter to him that much. He doesn't mind it as long as he can buy something to replace the old one he lost.

Vit glances at another door inside the room.

"That must be the toilet."

He wants to take a shower before going to sleep, but after lying down, his body refused to move anymore.

Normally, he would check on his gun and clean it before sleep but that can wait.

His body is too tired right now, even dragging his body to follow Blaze around a while ago was already hard enough. Not to mention that he rarely move that much. 

(Oh well, I guess no one gonna blame me if I'm going to sleep like a log for a while.)

He close his eyes and let his consciousness fade away.

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