Grand Entrance

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"Just where did these guys come from!?"

"How should I know!? For now, just keep pushing them back!" Blaze shouts angrily.

She was guarding Rhodes Island convoy through the route Vit sent just a few hours ago until suddenly, an explosion happens.

It destroyed many nearby buildings in the vicinity and cover many paths with ice. The Reunion ambush appears from many directions and their shortest path out of the city got cut off by the fallen building.

Right now they're trying their best to hold off the enemies while evacuating the injured personal.

"Move the injured out of here first! We'll buy them as much time as we can!"

They have been defending the Reunion attack for a while now, they might be kept at bay right now but before long their Reinforcement will arrive and that's a death sentence for her team.

Blaze rev up her chainsaw, it let out a roaring sound, and the temperature around her rises.

"You better reach here quickly Vit, or else we'll be completely wipe out."

She grits her teeth before jumping into the enemy line.

< ------- >

Vit and Deepcolor running through the rooftop escaping the area as fast as they could. They run straight to the location Blaze sent through their communicator, it is not far but still need some time to get there.

"Just what exactly is the Yeti?"

"As I explain before, they are an elite squad of Reunion. They have more experience in combat than normal Reunion soldier."

"Are they mercenary?"

"Probably, I don't know much about them either. The only thing I can say is they're definitely with the Reunion."

Vit turns around and looks behind them, the entire city is slowly being cover by ice every second, it swallows everything in its path turning everything it touches into a clear white crystal.

"How far until we reach them?"

"15 minutes at most."

"That's too long."

Anything could happen in these 15 minutes windows and Vit doesn't like to take his chances. They better reach Blaze quickly.

"Can't you just use your tentacle to bring us there?"

"...I can only use it to grab something to my position, I can't use it to move around."

What a specific usage.

Vit can only complain a bit inside his heart.

While running on the rooftop does shorten the traveling distance, it'll still take some time for them to reach their destination.

"If only we could fly..."


Something click inside his head, Vit quickly stops his feet and looks around the area.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Vit stop running, Deepcolor turns around.

"Can you send your tentacles to find a large rock and something sturdy enough for us to stand on?"


"Just trust me."

Deepcolor gives him a weird look but still does what he asks.

She sends out her tentacles to look for an item that matches Vit description and after a while, they come back with many things in their tentacle such as a door, giant boulder, a steel shelf, and many more similar objects just like he asks.

Vit starts inspecting many objects in front of him, finding the exact material he needs for his plan.

"No.....nope.....too small.....too weak....ah-ha!"

Finally, after finding what he needs, he drags the rock boulder the size of the chair and a giant steel door to the nearby wall.

"What do you need those for?"

"Since it'll definitely take us a while to reach them on foot, I come up with a faster way." He positions the rock carefully nearby the wall and places a steel door on top of it so that it leans on the wall. "Oh, this is gonna be so much fun alright."

He smiles and laughs creepily under his breath causing Deepcolor to only tilt her head in confusion.

< ------- >

"Blaze! we can't hold out any more than this!"

"Those guys just don't care anymore now do they!?" She shouts angrily.

The Reunion reinforcement has arrived, and with them, their defense line slowly crumbles down due to their sheer number.

"Everyone retreat back to the control point! We'll hold off there!" Hearing the order, Rhodes Islands personal retreat to their last defense line.

They're slowly being forced into a corner.

The Reunion force is closing in on their position but there are still some injuries that haven't been evacuated yet.

Blaze can be considered as one of the best elite operators in the field but that doesn't mean she's invincible.

While Blaze might be able to divert a lot of pressure from her teammates to herself and single-handedly destroy anything in her path, she still has her limit.

Just when everything seems hopeless, a huge object flew across the air, both sides watch as the strange cubic object glides into the battlefield from nowhere.

It is just a big steel door, it probably flew here from the explosion somewhere nearby, nothing new on the battlefield. But the reason that it attracts much attention from both parties is because of the many tentacles that are on it.

The tentacles throw lots of small rocks infuse with blue energy at the Reunion force. The rock pierces the ground the Reunion soldiers are standing and explode after a few seconds.

The Reunion group falls into chaos, a sudden explosion in the middle of their force causes them to halt their troop and escape the explosion.

After dealing enough damage, the giant door crash into the building nearby causing it to collapse due to the impact and fall down between the Reunion and Rhodes Island, separating them from each other.

"What just happen?"

Blaze was dumbfounded due to the sudden turn of events. Just a while ago they were being back into a corner but now they're safe and sound. While she want to take a minute to catch her breath, she focus her attention on the direction where the door landed.

From the dust cloud, two figures walk out from the collapsed building while arguing with each other.

" *cough* *cough* Didn't I ask you to handle the landing?"

"My helpers can't take that much weight, also, with how much force you use to launch us with, it's lucky that the trajectory didn't change while we were in the air."

Vit wants to retort her but without her help, they would already be dead.

Noticing Blaze standing in the distance, he casually walks up to her and crosses his arms.

"I've done my job, now give me my payment and a little extra for dealing with them." He points back at the Reunion force while demanding his payment.

Blaze who is still in shock could only stare at him with a blank look before laughing out loud while holding her stomach.

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