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-three weeks later-

Well, let me tell you one, wedding preparations are stressful as fuck, especially when you have a mother like mine. That is a literal perfectionist. Everything I mean everything has to live up to her expectations. Otherwise, she won't take it and then guess who has the search for the perfect solution yes exactly me. 

and the fact that she's getting married in a few days isn't making it any easier.

Oh and have I mentioned that we will spend the next two weeks in Italy. Mum and James are getting married there, they are having a beach wedding, So they invited me, and James's Bestfriend with his family as a kind of Vacation to celebrate their marriage. 

Don't ask it's not a typical thing I know but after these past three weeks, I mean it's vacation so I won't complain. 

Me and mum are Dress shopping for the 3rd or 4th time this week I lost the count, to be honest.

I stand there with my hands in front of my mouth when I see my mum walking out in a beautiful white long dress with light blue details at the top not too plain but also not too revaling. And its really complimenting Mum's body shape, it fits her perfectly.

All the hours spend in dozens of different shops have been worth it, they all paid off in this very second. When I say we struggled a lot to find THE dress I mean it, but this one is definitely the one. I see my mum's eyes getting teary I walk up to her and wipe them away carefully saving her makeup she spent hours doing today morning.

''si Guarda Bella mamma''(you look beautiful mom) I say as her eyes start to tear up even more ''Don't cry your beautiful makeup is gonna smudge'' Trying to prevent myself from crying, blame it on her beauty. But seriously it's an indescribable feeling seeing my mother, the woman who stands the closest to me that happy. It's all I ever wanted for her.

''since when do you speak Italian Piccola mia(little one)'' she says as she turns around, admiring the dress in the mirror with her proud voice.

I chuckle before responding to her question, she's too damn proud to admit that she made a mistake by not teaching me herself.

''well, I took it into my own hands and took classes in my free time as a certain someone didn't want to teach me my mother language and guess what I am a natural''.

 I rest my chin on her shoulder looking at her in the mirror. she stands there and I notice something I haven't seen in her face for years pure happiness, no worries, no doubts, just pure happiness.

if someone deserves happiness it's my mum, she fought so much in her life for my happiness, but forget her own in the meantime. she worked her ass off so she could pay for everything I wished for clothes, different make-up supplies, just everything. to make up for the pain my dad brought upon us. she always says I'm her ray of sunshine and if it wasn't for me she would have given up ages ago. I will be forever thankful for her effort and strength that got us through our hardest times.

we pay for the dress and place it down in the truck carefully . the second I want to climb in the driver's seat I see my mum waving at two-man I take a closer look at them and damn, I expected everything but not that hat was about to happen. 

''Hello Pierre'' she says in a friendly tone hugging the older looking man ''so unexpected to meet you two here'' she holds the hand out to the younger man. 

I walk up to her and I quickly realize that it's Jay and his Father. How the fuck does my mum know him?. This situation makes my stomach twist.

''That is my daughter Jade'' she introduces me as jay chuckles, looking down at the ground.

''Nice to meet you'' I say looking at the older man ''the pleasure is all mine'' he says with a warm smile on his face. 

As my view drives off to Jay as feel my heart getting faster with each beat. in the past three weeks we barely talked just exchanges some texts. First of all, I was so busy helping my mum out and studying I didn't really have the time. 

but the real reason is after what happened in the cafe I tried to simply avoid him where I could. if my mom wouldn't have called me, we would end up kissing for sure the tension between us is not deniable anymore and I hate how my body reacts when he's close to me I hate each part of it.

''nice to see you again jade'' He says confidently.

''Again?'' my mum and his father say in the same second ''Yea..long story short he's the friend I told you about mom, we met at the gala he helped me out with an issue''

''yea the issue was a drunk creep trying to touch her'' he says with a bitter undertone

''That's my boy''' his dad says proudly as he pats his shoulders a bit roughly.

''A what? why didn't I knew anything of it'' my mum's view is directed towards me.

I look up to jay and you could see the instant regret on his face. I turn to my mum rubbing her shoulder trying to reassure her 

''it wasn't anything wild mum and luckily Jay came in the right moment and helped me out, nothing happened''

she stares at me the anger and worry crystal clear visible in her eyes and guilt building up inside me I shouldn't have kept it a secret hoping she wouldn't find it out, then she shakes Jay's hand repeating the words ''Thank you'' a few times. 

My mum and Jay's Father talk for some minutes with me and jay standing next to them, just exchanging some looks as he whispers ''I'm sorry'' in a silent tone so only I hear it. I shake my head ''it's fine I didn't have any uni lectures so ill have one at home now'' I say with a sarcastic smile on my face.

Mom and The man Pierre I think god I am bad with names say goodbye to each other and me and we get in my car.

''who was it?'' I ask curiously, I mean I know Jay but where the heck did my mother knew his father from.

''This was Pierre Larrier he and his Family will join us on our Italy trip''

shock, fear, excitement, all these emotions were running wild through my whole mind and body.

I stayed silent the whole drive long not really listening to what my mum was saying. I quickly greet James wich moved in with us a week ago and disappear into my room.

this isn't happening right now, in a matter of seconds my excitement for this trip turned into a feeling of not wanting to go at all.

what the hell is happening to me I am panicking because of a man I have never been like that. but the worst is I am not panicking because I am insecure no! I love my body I love showing it off, my daddy issues probably speaking now.

but I was scared of what could happen between the both of us. terrified actually. 

I lie down on my big bed and scroll through my phone when I overhear my mum and James talking and I can't help but eavesdrop.

''Honey I am Telling you they would make such an amazing couple the way he looked at her, Its the same way you look at me, he is so whipped''

after that part I feel knots in my stomach the thought of depending on man, giving him the power to break me makes me sick. that's why I prefer to just be on my own it's easier. 

I walk in and cough loudly so everyone hears it. 

''Oh Sweetie'' my mum says pretending as if she didn't just talk about me and Jay ''I just told James about our encounter with the Larrier's today and what an amazing couple you and jay would make''

''Mum you know exactly I am into all this lovely dovely shit, I am better on my own so cut it. Just because you are in love doesn't mean everyone else has to search like a fool for it'' she rolls her eyes and I storm back to my room.

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