Chapter 7 pt 1

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I woke up tired and exhausted from the night before. I looked around at my surroundings that were too familiar now. I let out a groan as I stretched my soar muscles. I looked in my bag of clothes and pulled out some sweats and a cupcake shirt. I slipped on some green fuzzy socks and pulled my hair up into a bun. Time to start an adventure.
It was an adventure in itself to figure out how to get to the ground without accidentally falling to my untimely death. With a couple jumps, sliding on stuff, and screaming in my head for dear life, I managed to reach the floor. 'Well that was a work out', I thought. I dusted myself off and looked around. It sure looked different from a ground view. I felt the sudden feeling of being small surround me... Being in such a huge place, surrounded by huge killer robots. I smiled softly to myself. At least there's one I have befriended if not more than that ;).
I walked up to the giant sliding door and crawled under the door. I peeked up and down the halls and saw nothing. I took a deep breath and continued crawling out from under the door. I got up and pressed myself against the door, so far so good. I started my journey in exploring the ship.
---------time skip few hours------------

I typed away at several computers, processing data simultaneously. It was small patches of information scattered across the human's computer systems. Why I was wasting my energy on such primal technology was a mystery to me. Lord Megatron's orders. I decided to stray off task and hack into the Ship's cameras. Me and Lord Megatron's had access to these camera's though the Lord never bothered with them. I typed in the codes to my chamber and saw nothing. A sharp pain came from my Spark. 'Where is she?' I swore it spoke. I admit I was worried about the little fleshy. She should be in the room... I typed away several codes for several cameras in hopes to find her. Nothing. 'What if somebot caught her?' My spark was bending and twisting at the thought of losing this human. Stupid Spark! I had to find this human now. Lord Megatron was probably asleep in his chambers so I had several Eradicons continue my work.
I walked about the halls, surveying the grounds so as if I find her, I do not step on her. I detest the fact I could not find this human. Once I find her, she will be lucky if I don't offline her myself. 'Like you would offline our mate' Mate?! If I could, I would have punched the voice in my spark.
As I continued walking, the voice kept quiet. It was content with the fact I agreed on finding Cat. My com link with Knockout rang and I allowed it. "Lord Megatron's request is ready to be picked up." That was all. I descided to take a break and pick up MY request.

I was looking around when I heard metal hitting metal. My heart stopped as I looked around for a place to hide. Nothing. I guess this will be my end.

What is Soundwave picking up? What does it do? What is his plan? Who may be coming down the same corridor Cat is in? Will this be the end of her?

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