Ch. 9

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    Always watching, always analyzing, never getting involved. Yet... I allowed myself to become weak. Stupid Spark!
Soundwave swung his talons at the wall, indenting the chrome with five claw marks. A nearby Vehicon froze in his tracks. Soundwave slowly turned his headplate in the little con's direction. It took just one step for the Vehicon to run off.
"There you are Soundwave," said a familiar voice. I loathed the sleek tin can con coming towards me. "What are you hiding hmmm? Not a human by any chance." Starscream circled around the other con, acting superior. I said nothing as always. I watched, and analyzed. "Harboring fleshies is punishable by offline you know." Starscream tried to instill fear into the equivalent of slender man. It didn't work. Soundwave has played this game for far too long. Several voice recordings of Starscream defying Lord Megatron replayed in Soundwave's audio receptors before replaying what he just said. "I would never!" Starscream growled, trying to find a way to get past the stalemate. "I know what I saw, and the cameras did as well... Lord Megatron will offline you... And the human as well."
I woke up to the smell of heavenly pancakes and wait for it... Sausage! No context needed. I rolled out of bed almost literally and dressed more appropriately. I wore jeans, fuzzy green socks, and a light pink V-top with the word BOSS printed in black block print. I put my hair in a bun and walked out to the kitchen. Jack's mother, Mrs. Darby just finished pouring milk into three cups on their kitchen table. "Goodmorning Cat, I hope you slept well." I nodded and signed that 'it was the best sleep I had in a long time.' Jack's mom smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. Jack should be down soon. You know how boys are." I smiled and nodded. I helped her finish setting the table.
     Jack rushed down the stairs and almost face planted. "I forgot you spent the night Cat." The teenage boy was red in the face with embarrasment and lack of clothes. "Jack be a dear and put on something more than your boxers," his mom said. 'Nice boxers bro,' I signed. Who knew Jack wore the equivalent of my shirt but in blue.
Once the teen came down a second time, he was better equipped for company. The three took their seats and began eating. "You can really fill a girl up with two eggs, a sausage, and some milk huh," Jack said under his breath. His mom didn't hear it but I on the other hand almost snorted my food out my nose. The look on my face made Jack laugh and ask what playfully.
After breakfast, Jack asked if I wanted to chill anywhere." We both agreed on going to the airplane show that was right outside of Jasper. I threw on my shoes and brought my sketch pad while Jack got his motorcycle up and running. Half an hour later, we left.
"Soundwave, Starscream, Knockout, your missions are to spy on this airplane event. Search and destroy any Autobots you find.... Soundwave, you collect data on anything you find useful." All three cons bowed. "Now be off!"
Soundwave and Starscream flew towards the event while Knockout was ground bridged. "If I find this human, I'll make sure it's off lined." Soundwave's engine hummed louder as he growled. He dipped to the left, causing Starscream turbulence. "You are asking for it," Starscream whined.Soundwave merely flew faster, feeling pleased with the other con's displeasure.
We all met up behind a hanger and discussed where we'll go. "There's a car show so I'll check that out," Knockout said. Starscream and I were going to participate in the performance itself. "This is going to be fun."
Jack and Cat parked and got good seats on top of plane wing near the car show and still in view of the planes. "I've never ridden in a plane," Jack said. 'I have once or twice,' Cat signed. The thought of Soundwave came to mind. That was the first time she had flown was with him.
Cat and Jack turned to watch the car show for a bit. The first car was a sleek red that looked familiar. Jack's eyes went wide. "Hey I gotta go real quick," Jack said quickly before suddenly leaving. That was odd, Cat thought. She looked at the red car again and smiled. It really was a cool looking car.

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